Conceptual reasoning for didactics of augmented reality teaching

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Conceptual reasoning for didactics of augmented reality teaching / learning platform: some preliminary ideas
In the Journal:
Gamtamokslinis ugdymas [GU] [Natural Science Education]. 2007, Nr. 2 (19), p. 17-26
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Didaktika; Gamtamoklsinis ugdymas, realybės didinimas, mokyklos aplinka; Gamtamokslinis ugdymas; Informacinės technologijos; Mokyklos aplinka; Mokymosi platforma; Papildyta realybė; Ugdymas; Augmented reality; Didactics; Education; Information technologies; Learning platform; School environment; Science education; Science education, augmented reality, school environment.

ENThe problematics of Information and Communication Technologies is undoubtedly important area in modern education. The world rapidly changes and technical potentiality is constantly growing. The digital revolution is making life easier for people in both directions work and leisure time. A question if we can support an idea that modern ICT helps with the educational process is not explicit? Obviously, ICT improvement leads to applying them in different areas of our life. On the one hand, the educational environment of ICT implementation plays a major role. Possessing modern ICT cannot be the only factor as in order to improve the educational process we need to know the ways of using them i.e. it should not be a matter of fashion. On the other hand, ICT (audiovisual, computer, interactive etc.) themselves are the objects of thorough investigations. So, an international scientific project ARiSE could be the best example ( Seven institutions from five European countries including Germany, Lithuania, the Czech Republic. Romania and Malta are the participants of the event. The coordinator of the project is Fraunhofer-Institut IAIS (Fraunhofer Institut Intelligente Analyse - und Informationssysteme, Sankt Augustin. Germany)!). The main objective of the ARiSE Project is to test the pedagogical effectiveness of introducing augmented reality (AR) into the classroom and creating remote collaboration between classes around AR display systems. Also, the important task is to develop a pedagogical reasoning of the given augmented reality technology in school environments. In this article the first conceptual ideas on this question are presented. [From the publication]

1648-939X; 2669-1140
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