Filosofinių idėjų raiška gamtamoksliniame ugdyme : teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Filosofinių idėjų raiška gamtamoksliniame ugdyme: teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai
Alternative Title:
Expression of the philosophical ideas in natural science education: theoretical and practical aspects
In the Journal:
Gamtamokslinis ugdymas [GU] [Natural Science Education]. 2007, Nr. 1 (18), p. 14-23
Summary / Abstract:

LTGamtamokslinis ugdymas tampa viena svarbiausiu ugdymo turinio sričių Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, nes šios srities disciplinų turinys turi ypatingos reikšmės informacinės visuomenės vystymuisi, mokslinio potencialo atsiradimui ir puoselėjimui, suteikia galimybes moksleivių saviraiškos plėtotei bei formuoja teigiamus tarpusavio ryšius su gamta. Norint gamtamokslinį ugdymą paversti prioritetine ugdymo kryptimi, būtina turėti keletą fundamentalių idėjų, padėsiančių siekti užsibrėžtų tikslų. Silpni fundamentalieji principai ir idėjos švietimo sistemoje tampa situacijos, kai nūdienos švietimas netenkina šiuolaikinio gyvenimo reikalavimų, priežastimi. Šis tyrimas apibūdina filosofinių idėjų raišką šiandieninėje gamtamokslinio ugdymo praktikoje, raiškos galimybes perspektyvoje bei filosofinių idėjų įtaką GU procesui. Tyrimas atliktas taikant švietimo dokumentų bei mokslinės informacijos šaltinių analizę, lyginamąją analizę, sisteminę analizę. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Gamtamokslinio ugdymo turinys; Gamtamokslinis ugdymas; Ugdymo filosofija; Content of natural science education; Natural science education; Philosophy of education.

ENNatural Science education is becoming one of the most important branches of the educational content in Lithuanian Comprehensive School , whereas the content of these disciplines has special importance for the development of the informational society and for the rise and nurturance of the scientific potential. It, surely, gives possibilities for students to develop their self-expression and forms positive interaction relations with nature. If we want to make Natural Science the underlying aspect of the education, it is necessary to have a few fundamental ideas helping achieve the aims. The weak fundamental principles and ideas in the educational system become situations when todays education doesn't supply demands of the modern life. The aim of this research is to describe the expression of the philosophical ideas in todays and future practise of Natural Science education. The research was done applying the analysis of the educational documents and the resourses of scientific information as well as comparative analysis and systematic analysis. The research showed that in the different educational stages not many topics related with the philosophical aspects of person's life are regulated, though at the primary educational stages (because of the subject integration) conditions are quite favourable. In the upper grades when resumptive courses of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geography are taught there is not much space for the philosophical aspects left.At this stage subjects are hardly realised as the integrated parts of the undivided holistic world. Such situation becomes a setback trying to educate qualitatively. That's why the reach to re-create united and systematic attitude to the World, to the Human in the world and to the human's life in the modern world becomes particularly relevant. Today the close relation between pedagogics and philosophy becomes a necessity. Discussing the Natural Sciences Education prospects, achieving sufficient natural science literacy, it's worth regarding to the requirements of the Natural Sciences programs and education standards and to use these philosophical trends in which the objects of interest are in some ways related with communication and information technologies: postmodernism, hermeneutics, constructionism and reconstructionism. [Text from author]

1648-939X; 2669-1140
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