Darbo įstatymų bendrumo ir diferenciacijos principas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darbo įstatymų bendrumo ir diferenciacijos principas
Alternative Title:
Principle of uniformity of labour laws and their differentiation
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2003, Nr. 40 (32), p. 85-91
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama Lietuvos Respublikos darbo kodekse įtvirtinto darbo įstatymų bendrumo ir jų diferenciacijos pagal darbo sąlygas ir darbuotojų psichofizines savybes principo reikšmė, reikalingumas bei padariniai, atsirandantys jį taikant teisėkūros procese. Išskiriami teisinio reguliavimo diferenciacijos objektyvūs ir subjektyvūs kriterijai. Aptariamas diferenciacijos ir diskriminacijos santykis, ribos, problemos, kurias darbuotojams gali sukelti diferencijuotas reguliavimas. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į bendrųjų bei specialiųjų norminių aktų hierarchiją, valstybės tarnybos santykių reguliavimą, praktines bendrųjų ir specialiųjų norminių aktų taikymo problemas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendrosios ir specialiosios normos; Bendrumas ir diferenciacija; Darbo santykiai; Darbo santykių bendrumas ir diferenciacija; Darbo teisė; Diskriminacija; Discrimination; Labour law; Labour relations; Uniform and special norms; Uniformity and differentiation of labour law; Uniformity and differentiation of labour relations.

ENThe principle of uniformity of labour laws and their differentiation on the basis of working conditions and psychophysical qualities of the employees is discussed in the article. The author names the meaning and the subsequences of the different regulation of labour legal relations. The uniformity of labour laws means establishment of general rules for the labour relations, and the differentiation means the adoption of these general rules. The factors that we use to regulate labour relations differently are: objective (climate conditions, type of work) and subjective (sex, age, health conditions). According to these criteria competent institutions must regulate the conditions of work differently. The differentiation cannot expand to discrimination of regulation. The overregulated protection of some groups of employees can create more problems for these people because they can became less concurrent in the labour market. Such a protection or the differentiation of socially protected employees must serve as an instrument which allows to create the equal rights in working conditions for such people.The differentiation of employers is also relevant in such cases. The law should provide different regulation of labour relations for small employers (natural persons in example): procedure of employment, termination of employment contracts, some working conditions. The other problem is so-called negative differentiation which occurs when the special legal acts fail to match the uniform acts providing general rules of labour relations. The author also discusses the question of regulation of legal relations in the state service. Some institutes in the state service can be also classified as differentiation. The strict element of state administration power is enacted in the articles regulating the working conditions of the servants of state service. [From the publication]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
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