LTŠio straipsnio tikslas - apžvelgti Lietuvos, kaip kandidatės į ES, ekonominę padėtį, kuri susiklostė per pastaruosius ketverius metus. Tai labai plati tema, todėl nėra galimybių įsigilinti į tam tikrus raidos ypatumus. Pagal galimybes pateiksime Lietuvos duomenis kitų dviejų Baltijos valstybių - Latvijos ir Estijos kontekste, kartu palygindami su ES arba kai kurių ES šalių duomenimis, siekdami išryškinti, ar Lietuvos siekis stoti į ES yra pakankamai realus ir kokį atstumą mums tektų įveikti ten patekus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: BVP; Baltijos šalių ekonomika; Centrinės ir Rytų Europos šalys; ES šalių ekonomika; Ekonomikos vystymasis; Lietuvos ekonomika; Makroekonominiai rodikliai; Mokėjimų balansas; Rusijos krizė; Stojimas į ES; Vystimosi lygiai; Accession to the EU; Balance of payments; Central and East European countries; Development of economy; GDP; Levels of development; Lithuania's economy; Lithuanian economy; Macroeconomic indicators; Russian crisis; The Baltic economies; The EU economies.
ENDevelopment of Lithuanian economy is surveyed for the period 1995-1999 I half in the paper. The period, except 1999, was very successful and Lithuania was among leading Central and East European countries by most of the macroeconomic indicators. When corn- Pared data for Lithuania with that for Estonia and Latvia, one can sec no difference in levels of development of these countries, thus there is no reason to claim that Estonia was included into the first group of the EU candidates because of its advancement in economic development. In the paper, the most attention is paid to development and structure of DGP, to analysis of infliation, monetary policy, balance of payments and functioning of banking system. The main conclusions appear at the end of the paper. Among them: if economy of the EU grows 2% annually while Lithuanian economy makes 5%, Lithuania may achieve EU average only in 37,9 years and in 23,8 years the level of Greece, the weakest economy in the EU. Deflation does not pose any real danger, however, balance of payments may become dangerously high. Banking system proved to be the strongest chaim of economy best prepared for Russian crisis. [From the publication]