Būsimų technologijų mokytojų požiūrio į dorovines vertybes kaitos tendencijos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Būsimų technologijų mokytojų požiūrio į dorovines vertybes kaitos tendencijos
Alternative Title:
Tendencies of change in future technology teachers’ attitude towards moral values
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2011, 103, p. 15-22
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikiama Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto studentų – būsimų technologijų mokytojų – nuostatų į dorovines vertybes ilgalaikio tyrimo (longitudinal study), vykdyto 1999–2009 m., analizė. Analizuojama dorovinių vertybių (jautrumo, tausojimo, atvirumo, orumo, atsakingumo, altruizmo) ugdymo problema. Respondentai svarbiausiomis vertybėmis laiko atvirumą ir jautrumą, mažiausiai populiari vertybė – altruizmas. Tyrimas parodė, kad didžiausią įtaką dorovinių vertybių ugdymui turi šeima ir mokykla, beje, pastarosios vaidmuo per dešimt tyrimo metų nuolat didėjo. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dorovinės vertybės; Elgesio kultūros vertybės; Elgesio kultūra; Altruizmas; Moral values; Culture of behaviour; Values of culture of behaviour; Altruism.

ENThis article analyses the development of moral values (tenderness, regard, frankness, dignity, responsibility, altruism). Analysis of a longitudinal study on the attitudes of Vilnius pedagogical university students – future technology teachers – towards moral values is presented here. The research was carried out in 1999–2009. Statistical relations are revealed comparing the ratings of the values analysed in respect of demographic rates and the research years. The findings of the research have shown that frankness is at the top of the ratings of the analysed moral values; it is further followed by tenderness, responsibility, altruism, and regard in the order of importance. Almost half of the future technology teachers (45.1 %) are in favour of frankness and only about one third of the respondents (34.8 %) say that their closest friends follow this moral value in their lives. Most frequently (in about half of the cases) the respondents saw frankness as the most important value in 2002, 2003, and 2005. In 2004 this value was the least popular. Altruism has been attributed to the least popular values. Only 20.3 % of the respondents state that they prefer peers who follow this value, and only 12.2 % think that their closest friends consider altruism important. In view of the research years (1999–2009) altruism was most valued in the year 2000 (38 %), and in 2004 and 2006 its popularity fell down to 4 %. However, since the year 2007 the importance of this value has been growing. The study has also revealed that family is the most influential factor in developing moral values. The majority of the informants (88.9 %) are convinced that their parents have most stressed the formation of moral norms, 82 % think that following the rules of etiquette has been emphasised in their families, while 74 % stressed polite behaviour.71.9 % of the respondents pointed out that respect for others was developed in their families. Statistically significant differences ( p <0.05) between attitudes towards family impact on developing culture of behaviour were determined: day-time students mentioned that their families accentuated the rules of etiquette (86.2 %) and the development of tenderness (28.7 %) more frequently than extra-mural students and students on retraining programs (76.2 % and 21.3 % respectively). And on the contrary, less day-time students (68.5%) are convinced that respect for others is developed in their families in comparison with extra-mural students and students on retraining programs (76.6 %). The importance of the family for the development of this value has grown up from 50 % to 84 % during the research period. The impact of the family for the development of moral has not changed during this time period, while the curve for the role of the family in teaching the rules of etiquette has been the most dynamic – falling from 87 % in 1999 down to 60 % in 2003. The future technology teachers who participated in the research consider the impact of the school on the development of pupils’ values very important as well. 69 % of the informants think that school pays the biggest attention to following the rules of etiquette; 64.5 % of the respondents point out the development of politeness; 65 % of the research participants state that school develops moral qualities; and 53.5 % of future technology teachers think that school develops respect for others. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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