Švietimo politikos kaita : priešmokyklinio ugdymo vadybos funkcijų kontekstualizavimasis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Švietimo politikos kaita: priešmokyklinio ugdymo vadybos funkcijų kontekstualizavimasis
Alternative Title:
Change of education policy: self-contextualisation of management functions of pre-primary education
In the Journal:
Švietimas: politika, vadyba, kokybė [Education Policy, Management and Quality]. 2011, Nr. 1 (7), p. 29-42
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama priešmokyklinio ugdymo vadybos funkcijų kontekstualizavimosi problema švietimo politikos kaitos diskurse. Vadybos funkcijų ir švietimo politikos analizė bei situacijos įvertinimas leidžia išskirti kontekstus, padedančius suvokti jų esmę ne tik tradiciniame mikroedukaciniame lygyje, bet rekonceptualizuoti juos makrolygio perspektyvoje. Kuriant priešmokyklinį ugdymą, kaip švietimo sistemos posistemę, aptariamos jos funkcijos, remiantis vadybos, viešojo administravimo, socialinės filosofijos teorijomis. Priešmokyklinio ugdymo posistemė švietimo politikos kaitos diskurse įprasminama kaip pagrindinė, nes joje konceptualizuojamas vaikystės fenomeno socialinis-kultūrinis reikšmingumas bei vaiko, kaip šiuolaikinio visuomenės individo, poreikių įvairovės tenkinimo galimybės. Tokia savivoka grindžiama nauja vaikystės politikos paradigma, kuri įgyvendinama tarpšakėje metodologijoje, tinklinėje struktūroje, kur pastebimas esminis strateginių valstybės funkcijų poslinkis (pereinama prie „aktyvinančios“ politikos) ir nauja bendradarbiavimo ugdymo procese etika lokalizuotoms švietimo sistemos grandims valdyti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Diskursas; Priešmokyklinio ugdymo vadyba; Tarpšakinė valdymo paradigma; Vadybos funkcijų kontekstualizavimasis; Valdymo funkcijų kontekstualizavimasis; Švietimo ir vaikystės politika; Discourse; Education and childhood policy; Interdisciplinary Methodological paradigm; Pre - primary education management; Pre-primary education management; Self- contextualisation of management; Self-contexstualisation of management.

ENBased on general and special foundations on the theory of management of education and theoretical approaches existing in research literature interdisciplinary methodological approach was conceptualised and purified. It enables to substantiate research methodology of management functions of the system of pre-primary education in the processes of shift in the policy of education of Lithuania. In the absence of methodological approach functions of pre-primary education were analysed in the context of positivism, often applying approaches of structural functionalism. Therefore, the link of pre-primary education as an intermediary link (with regard to the links of pre-school and primary school) lost specificity and polyphony, whilst in reality functions that corresponded to its status were attributed. Interdisciplinary methodological approach enables to highlight contextuality, complexity of functions of pre-primary education. Validity of the position of immanence determines such functions that are characteristic namely for management of the system of pre-primary education: gnostic, project-based, constructive, communicative. In management and in management of educational organisations the function is a specialised component of a managerial activity, which is characterised by unimality and exceptionality by ways of impact.In the discourse on self-contextualisation of management of the system of pre-primary education, global changes in education and management theories the educational policy in the context of social values is analysed. It can be stated that considering the valuable basis of educational policy as a key characteristics of the concept of educational policy, the formation, implementation and evaluation of the policy must by based on social values. Social values should be embodied in laws, express main democratic principles and ideals. Having considered the contextuality of educational policy, it must be noted that its relating with social and economical country's endeavours is inevitable. It is also important that many factors determining educational policy exist beyond the boundaries of educational system. In the context of high unemployment, increasing individualism that is characteristic to the post-industrial society, when social differences and inequality are permanently increasing, educational policy must seek its aims. [From the publication]

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