Motiejaus Valančiaus "Žyvatų šventųjų" antrojoje dalyje (1864) surašytas palaimintojo Juozapato gyvenimas

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Motiejaus Valančiaus "Žyvatų šventųjų" antrojoje dalyje (1864) surašytas palaimintojo Juozapato gyvenimas
Alternative Title:
Life of the blessed Josaphat of Polotsk recorded in "The life of the saints" part II by Motiejus Valančius
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2011, t. 60, p. 149-168. Dangiškieji globėjai, žemiškieji mecenatai
Summary / Abstract:

LTVyskupo Motiejaus Valančiaus didaktinė proza lietuvių kultūros ir literatūros istorijoje yra pagrjstai laikoma lietuvių grožinės literatūros pradininke ar formuotoja. Kartu Valančiaus hagiografiniai kūriniai išskiriami kaip jungiamoji grandis tarp ankstyvosios didaktinės ir grožinės lietuvių literatūros. Iki šiol žinota, kad Valančius buvo parašęs ir išleidęs du hagiografinius veikalus - Žyvatus šventųjų (1858) ir Gyvenimus šventųjų Dievo (1868), - hagiografinės literatūros lietuvių kalba pradininkus ir reprezentantus. Tačiau Valančiaus hagiografinės literatūros korpusą neseniai papildė du iki šiol nežinoti rankraštiniai veikalai - Žyvatų šventųjų antroji dalis (1864) ir Darbai šventųjų (1874-1875). Rankraščių istoriją yra palietusios ir socialinės-politinės laikotarpio aplinkybės. Straipsnyje pristatomas pirmasis rankraštis, tiriama jo istorija. Publikacijoje skelbiamas vienas iš šventųjų gyvenimų aprašymų - pal. Juozapato Kuncevičiaus gyvenimas, susijęs ir su kitais šiame Actą Academiae Artium Vilnensis tome skelbiamais palaimintajam skirtais tekstais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Motiejus Valančius; Juozapatas Kuncevičius; Literatūra (XIX a.); Hagiografija; Rankraščiai; Motiejus Valančius; Juozapatas Kuncevičius; Lithuanian literature (19th century); Hagiography; Manuscripts.

ENIn the history of Lithuanian culture and literature, the didactic prose of the Samogitian Bishop Motiejus Valančius (1801-1875, bish. 1850-1875) - the dominant figure of the religious, public and cultural life in the mid-i9th century Lithuania - is rightly considered to be both pioneering and instrumental in the formation of Lithuanian fiction. As is the case in a number of other writing genres, Motiejus Valančius is thought to be the pioneer of hagiographie literature in Lithuanian language (which began to be written and translated during the mid-i9th century). Thereby the hagiographie works of Valančius are distinguished in their role as a bridging element between early didactic and fictional Lithuanian literature. It was hitherto known that Motiejus Valančius had written and published two hagiographie works - Žyvatai šventųjų (The Lives of the Saints, 1858) and Gyvenimai šventųjų Dievo (The Lives of the Saints of God, 1868) - pioneering works and representatives of Lithuanian hagiographie literature which are characterised by their original style. However, the corpus of Lithuanian hagiographie literature has been recently complemented by two so far unknown manuscript works - The Life of the Saints Part II (Žyvatai šventųjų, d. II, 1864) and The Works of the Saints (Darbai šventųjų, 1874-1875), and a copy of the latter. The manuscript of The Life of the Saints Part II - is not a copy made by Motiejus Valančius' hand, it is a fair copy prepared for the press; the manuscript of The Works of the Saints - bears the autograph of Motiejus Valančius; while the copy of The Works of the Saints is a fair copy prepared for the press not by Motiejus Valančius' hand. Moreover, the history of the texts and manuscripts are affected by the social-political circumstances of the time.The new hagiographie works significantly complement the earliest corpus of Lithuanian hagiographie literature, enrich the creative biography of the author and extend the history of Lithuanian literature, particularly the period of literary fictions appearance. Valančius' manuscript of The Life of the Saints Part II has not yet been recorded or researched in the historiography of Lithuanian literature related to Valančius and the lives of the saints described by him. The article presents the manuscript of The Life of the Saints Part II; the results of research carried out on its history are presented: its dating, spiritual approbation, censorship, information about the manuscript, owners of the manuscript, and its place of storage are presented. A description of the manuscript is also presented: its signature, format, binding, sheets, flyleaves, pagination, paper, inscriptions and corrections are presented. As can be seen from the text itself and from other inscriptions in this manuscript, Motiejus Valančius had The Life of the Saints Part II completely prepared for the press - a copy of the text was made by a so far unknown person, i.e. the fair copy that was intended for publishing. Valančius himself re-read the manuscript and made minimal corrections to it. The manuscript was given to publisher Adam Zawadzki; later on it appeared in the possession of Viktoras Julijonas Aramavičius, a member of Vilnius Censorship committee. The censor did not censor the manuscript nor read it carefully, as it does not contain an aprobatum inscribed by the censor or other marks characteristic of censored manuscripts. Although the censor, following the policy of the spread of Orthodoxy and the instructions of tsarist censorship (and negative attitudes towards the Uniates), removed the life of the Blessed Josaphat of Polotsk (Josaphat Kuntsevych, 1580-1623). Perhaps it was because of the removal of this par.Perhaps it was because of the removal of this part of the text that the manuscript was returned to its author. Motiejus Valančius did not make any corrections to the text; in the later selections of the lives of saints he did not include the description of the Blessed Josaphat s life. This publication presents an account from the lives of saints - the life of the Blessed Josaphat of Polotsk which relates to the other texts devoted to this Blessed in this volume of Acte Academiae Artium Vilnensis. [From the publication]

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