Mecenatų ir šventųjų vaizdavimo modeliai mokyklinėse LDK jėzuitų epigramose

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mecenatų ir šventųjų vaizdavimo modeliai mokyklinėse LDK jėzuitų epigramose
Alternative Title:
Patterns of depiction of maecenases and saints in the school epigrams of Jesuits in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL)
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2011, t. 60, p. 39-49. Dangiškieji globėjai, žemiškieji mecenatai
Summary / Abstract:

LTBaroko epochos literatūroje pastebimas išskirtinis dėmesys mažiesiems literatūros žanrams, ypač epigramai. Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės (toliau - LDK) XVII-XVIII a. ir spausdintuose, ir rankraštiniuose epigramų rinkiniuose gausu kūrinių, skirtų jų autorius globojusiems didikams ir tam tikriems šventiesiems. Tokio pobūdžio poeziją dažniausiai kurdavo jėzuitų kolegijų studentai ir dėstytojai, todėl poetikos ir retorikos paskaitose epigramai buvo skiriama itin daug dėmesio, pateikiami tam tikri šio žanro kūrinių komponavimo modeliai, atitinkantys to meto akademinės kūrybos specifiką ir baroko literatūros kriterijus. Remiantis gausia rankraštine medžiaga straipsnyje siekiama parodyti, kokias epigramų rūšis savo paskaitose analizavo profesoriai, kaip jie skatino pritaikyti siūlomas kompozicijos schemas savarankiškuose studentų poezijos bandymuose, skirtuose didikams ir šventiesiems globėjams, kokių poetų kūriniais buvo remiamasi kaip tobulais šio žanro pavyzdžiais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Baroko literatūra; Literatūra (lotynų kalba); Poetika; Retorika; Jėzuitai; Baroque literature; Lithuanian literature (Latin); Poetics; Retorics; Jesuits.

ENExceptional attention has been paid to lesser literary genres, especially to epigram in the literature of the Baroque epoch. There are a lot of works dedicated to the magnates (patrons of the authors) or to particular saints in the manuscript and printed collections of epigrams of GDL of 17*- 18th centuries. Works of this sort were created mostly by students and teachers of Jesuit colleges. Therefore the patterns of works of this genre, which correspond to the specific features of the academic creation of the day and to the criteria of baroque literature, were presented as examples to follow during lectures on poetics and rhetoric. On the basis of the abundant manuscript material available in Manuscript Department of Vilnius University Library, researchers have suggested two main patterns of epigrams dedicated to maecenases. The first one was oriented towards the beginner and the student not yet skilled in poetics. The beginner was prompted to compose works which were as simple as possible. Pupils were presented with some basic scenarios of a panegyric character as examples to follow: the golden age, which the addressee is capable of restoring; reminiscence; immortal glory, in which the person sung praise for his deeds; and the exceptionally positive features of the praised person which allow him to hold high office. The second pattern demanded from its composer more poetical skill and maturity of talent.It was necessary in works of this sort to astonish and overwhelm the listener through unexpected comparisons. The more sophisticated patterns of epigram composition and all the possibilities of expression and imagination of the baroque poetics were invoked as well. The depiction of saints most of all is relatable to imitation theory. The essence of the theory was contention and the placing of emphasis on different notional focuses following the work of a chosen author. It is of note that most teachers of colleges in the GDL presented the works of M. K. Sarbievius as perfect examples of dedication to maecenases as well as to saints. [From the publication]

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Lietuvos Renesanso ir Baroko literatūra / Eugenija Ulčinaitė. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2001. 345 p., [8] iliustr. lap.
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