Lietuvos filosofinės minties istorijos šaltiniai. T. 3, Filosofija išeivijoje, 1945-2000

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos filosofinės minties istorijos šaltiniai. T. 3, Filosofija išeivijoje, 1945-2000
Alternative Title:
Sources of history of Lithuanian philosophical thought. Vol. 3, Philosophy in exile, 1945-2000
  • Bacevičiūtė, Danutė, sudarymas [com]
  • Viliūnas, Dalius, redagavimas [edt]
  • Vabalaitė, Rūta Marija, redagavimas [edt]
  • Poška, Adolfas, redagavimas [edt]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2011.
375 p
Bibliografija išnašose ir asmenvardžių rodyklė. Bibliografija išnašose ir rodyklės.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvos filosofinės minties istorijos šaltinių 3 tomas „Filosofija išeivijoje“ atveria lietuvių egzodo filosofinės kūrybos (1945–2000) panoramą, pateikdamas šios srities tekstų anotacijas. Tik nedidelė dalis šviesuomenės kartos, pasitraukusios nuo gresiančių sovietinių represijų, buvo filosofai profesionalai: žymieji Antanas Maceina, Juozas Girnius, antrosios egzodo generacijos mąstytojai Algis Mickūnas, Vytautas Kavolis. Tačiau pati ribinė situacija: priverstinė tėvynės netektis, nutautimo, asimiliacijos grėsmė žadino filosofinę mintį, vertė kelti ir gvildenti esminius žmogaus egzistencijos klausimus, nenuilstamai analizuoti ir kritiškai vertinti esamą situaciją, ieškoti sprendimų ir totalitarinio režimo, ir niveliuojančios globalizacijos akistatoje. Leidinys pristato daugelio – psichologų, teisininkų, dvasininkų, istorikų, sociologų ir kitų asmenų, susivienijusių intelektinių filosofijos vertybių kūrybai, darbus. Visi minimi kūrėjai tikėjo, kad anksčiau ar vėliau jų ugdomos vertybės prigis tėvynėje, lietuviškosios kultūros kamiene. Ši knyga ne tik padės orientuotis menkai žinomame „išvietintųjų“ generacijos filosofinės kultūros kontinente, įžvelgti jo viršukalnes, tradicijas, ribas ir skirtingas teritorijas. Norisi tikėti, kad Lietuvoje, gaubiamoje šių dienų emigracijos ūkanų, pokario egzodo filosofijos tekstų masyvas švies nepasidavimo ir nepaprasto dvasinio ryžto šviesa. [Anotacija knygoje]

EN[...] The third volume covers the period between 1945 and 2000. A Lithuanian Exodus after the World War II with small exceptions was a political phenomenon. With an approach of Eastern front tens of thousands of persons were forced to leave their homeland forming a whole generation of the displaced persons. A big percentage of them came from various fields of intellectual elite of independent Lithuania, including many prominent artists, writers, lawyers, clergymen and teachers. They could have hardly escaped repressions of coming soviet regime. Being dispersed throughout the world - mostly Americas, Germany, Australia - these people haven't yet lost their ties with homeland, kept their national sense of solidarity, preserved and represented cultural traditions of their occupied country. They believed that in some time their creative activity will be brought back home and help it. it was their primordial cause and a vocation. The vocation - since to fulfil it most often they had to face hard if not austereconditions, to stand against a constant pressure of assimilation and loss of national identity. A number of professional philosophers, teachers and historians of philosophy among the emigrants was not very high, however the very radical situation of loss of homeland, of being in exile, an experience of a displaced life, of a constant necessity to make an existential choice has fostered philosophical reflexions and disputes. Therefore a list of the representatives of philosophical thought appeared to be quite long - over a half of hundred.First of, all these philosophical disputes and reflexions were published in a regular cultural press, which was already set during the period of the WWII, continued to be published throughout the whole period of occupation and is still live. A presentation of these philosophical efforts of Lithuanian elite in exile, of their articles, studies and fundamental works in a form of annotations makes the main object of this volume. This corpus of annotations helps to reveal the main tendencies of Lithuanian philosophical culture in exile, their theoretical influences, receptions and orientations. It does not only documents the life of the community, which refused to surrender its identity, but also points out its important theoretical decisions, that hasn't lost their intellectual value and are still acute. We should note once more that the task of this encyclopaedic edition was not to give an evaluation or to suggest a specific decision, yet this summary might still help us to discern some important distinct features of Lithuanian philosophical continent in exile. First we should distinguish two main personalities - we might say „the peaks", which represent both the continuation of Lithuanian intellectual tradition, which has been formed between two world wars and also important distinctive characteristics of Lithuanian philosophical culture in exile. These two prominent figures are Antanas Maceina (1908-1987) and Juozas Girnius (1915-1995). Both has been very productive authors and published the works of a highest theoretical value. Many their works were published in German and English languages (some texts are now accessible via an internet).Both authors were representatives of Christian, catholic philosophical trend, expressed an interested in the problems of philosophy of culture, attempted to acknowledge the academic society in the West with a secular, Marxist system of soviet regime, reveal its basic social and spiritual structures. This task - the in-depth analysis and presentation of structures of soviet ideology and thinking - has been a major preoccupation of many emigrant thinkers - political scientists, economists and journalists. These professional philosophers as well as a great number of their colleagues -Lithuanian intellectuals in exile - could be distinguished by their interest in existentialist philosophy, the attempts to apply its conceptual means in interpretation of the traditional problems of Christian thinking. The third „peak" - Algirdas Julius Greimas (1917-1992.) - a founder of Paris school of semiotics, has received a distinguished rank among the structuralist philosophers. We should also mark Vytautas Kavolis (1930-1996) - a pioneer of a multi-disciplinary approach, a world renowned co-author of editions in sociology and history of culture, Thomas Patrick Kasulis (1948) - a professor who contributed to world sinology, Algis Mickunas (1933) - professor of University of Ohio, a world renowned phenomenologist, one of creators and developers of this philosophical trend, his friend and colleague Alphonso Lingis (1933) - a humanist, thinker of a broad scale, who attempted to combine phenomenology with postmodernism and retain human dimension, John Knasas (1948) - a representative of Thomistic philosophy, which used to be a constant feature of Lithuanian philosophy both in interwar period and in exile. All these authors used to publish their works most often in English, rather than in Lithuanian. All their works now are returning to Lithuania. [From the publication]

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