LTStraipsnyje apibūdinama profesinio mokymo perimamumo samprata, aptariamos profesinio rengimo perimamumo prielaidos, pristatomas atliktas empirinis tyrimas. Suderinus skirtingo lygmens profesinio mokymo programas, atsiranda galimybė pasiekti aukštesnio profesinio išsilavinimo lygį per trumpesnį laiką, negu buvo numatyta.Tai leidžia taupyti mokinių laiką ir materialiuosius bei žmogiskuosius profesinio rengimo institucijų išteklius. Profesinių mokyklų mokytojai ir mokiniai teigiamai vertina perimamumą skirtingo lygmens programose ir pasirengimą įgyvendinti šią idėją savo mokyklose, taciau jų nuomonė leidžia teigti, kad esminiai pokyčiai šioje srityje dar neprasidėjo, be to, mokytojų ir mokinių požiūris kai kuriais aspektais is esmės skiriasi. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mokymo proceso optimizavimas; Perimamumas; Profesinis mokymas; Optimization of the teaching process; Optimization teaching process; Transferability; Vocational training.
ENThe concept of VET transferability is described in the article. Possibilities for VET programmes transferability are discussed and empirical research results are presented. After the VET programmes of different levels are tuned and harmonised, a possibility appears to reach a higher level of vocational education in a shorter time than usual, which saves time for a learner; while VET institutions save human and material resources. The aim ofthe research is to reveal and to prove possibilities for transferability of different level VET programmes. The tasks ofthe research: 1. To analyze the concept of VET transferability. 2. To describe possibilities forVET transferability on an institutional level. 3. To clarify teacher and learner opinion on optimization of the teaching process movint from lower to higher VET level. It was identified that the teachers and learners assess optimization possibilities on a higher level of VET programmes differently. VET teachers and learners show positive attitude towards the idea of different level programmes transferability as well as the preparedness to implement them in their own schools, however, they express the opinion that main changes have not started yet. [From the publication]