Patyčios elektroninėje erdvėje: jaunesniojo amžiaus paauglių patirtis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Patyčios elektroninėje erdvėje: jaunesniojo amžiaus paauglių patirtis
Alternative Title:
Cyberbullying: experience of younger adolescents
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2012, Nr. 1 (58), p. 133-148
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvoje, kaip ir kitose šalyse, tarp paauglių išpopuliarėjus elektroninėms bendravimo priemonėms, atsirado nauja erdvė patyčioms reikštis. Keliama prielaida, kad elektroninės patyčios yra „tradicinių“ patyčių forma elektroninėje erdvėje, t. y. patyčios mokyklos aplinkoje perkeliamos ir tęsiamos elektroninėje erdvėje. Pastaraisiais metais elektroninių patyčių reiškiniu susidomėta visame pasaulyje. Lietuvoje jis dar mažai tyrinėtas. Straipsnyje pristatomi tyrimo, kuriame dalyvavo 396 Klaipėdos miesto ir Klaipėdos rajono mokyklų moksleiviai (195 berniukai ir 201 mergaitė) nuo 11 iki 15 metų, rezultatai. Nagrinėjamos elektroninių ir tradicinių patyčių patirties sąsajos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Aukos ir skriaudėjo patirtis; Elektroninė erdvė; Elektroninės patyčios; Elektroninės patyčios, tradicinės patyčios, aukos ir skriaudėjo patirtis; Paaugliai; Patyčios; Problemų sprendimo būdai; Tradicinės patyčios; Bullying; Cyberbullying; Cyberspace; Cybervictimization; Experience of victim and agressor; Problem-solving techniques; Teen; Teenages; Traditional bullying.

EN[…] Cyberbullying is defined as aggression which occurs through modern technological devices. A number of features of cyberbullying that distinguish it from traditional forms of bullying have been identified. Invisibility or anonymity of cyberbully, breadth of potential audience, and difficulty of getting away from it are among the most common characteristics of cyberbullying. Because of the lack of conceptual clarity and different instruments used in the studies, it is difficult to compare the data about the prevalence of cyberbullying in different countries. The goal of our study was to investigate the extent of different forms of cyberbullying and cybervictimization among early adolescents and to examine the relationship between electronic and traditional bullying. 396 adolescents from Klaipėda city and district (195 boys and 201 girls) aged 11–15 years were surveyed. […] The results of the study showed that 30.6 % of our research participants (29.1 % of boys and 32 % of girls) have been cybervictimized. The most frequent forms of cybervictimization involved receiving mean and threatening SMS (17.3 % and 14.9 %, respectively), being insulted in the chat rooms (14.6 %), or being excluded from the chat rooms (14.7 %). Only a few gender differences in cybervictimization were identified, indicating that boys become the targets of certain forms of online bullying (being excluded from the chat rooms and receiving humiliating pictures on the cell phones) more frequently. 21.8 % of our research participants reported that they had been the initiators of cyberbullying themselves. There are more boys than girls among those involved in this form of behaviour (the difference is statistically significant).The same tendencies were observed in regard to traditional bullying. There were more boys than girls who reported that they had bullied, but both genders are equally represented among the victims of bullying. The relationship between cyberbullying and traditional bullying was explored using two different approaches: variable-oriented and person-oriented. The results of variable-oriented analysis showed that victims of traditional bullying tend to be cyber victims, and those involved in face to face bullying tend to be cyberbullies. Configural frequency analysis (the method of person-oriented approach) allowed to test whether certain combinations of bully, victim, and bully-victim behavior occurred more or less frequently than expected by chance. The results of this analysis showed that there are more students than expected by chance who are totally uninvolved and more students who are combined bully-victims (they have both forms of experience of victim and bully). More boys than expected by chance were identified as being involved in both forms (traditional and cyber) of bullying. More girls than expected by chance were identified as cybervictims and victims of traditional bullying. Further research is needed to investigate the co-occurrence of bullying and victimization in the cyberspace and in face to face relationships. Analyzing the differences among the groups characterized by certain combinations of bullying behaviours might help to identify students at risk and to develop effective strategies for prevention and intervention of bullying and cyberbullying. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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2018-12-17 13:15:31
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