Lietuviešu cilmes personvārdi latviešu antroponīmiskajā sistēmā

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Latvių kalba / Latvian
Lietuviešu cilmes personvārdi latviešu antroponīmiskajā sistēmā
Alternative Title:
Personal names of Lithuanian orgin in Latvian anthroponymic system
In the Journal:
Baltu filoloģija. 2001, t. 10, p. 9-20
Neringa; Lietuva (Lithuania); Asmenvardžiai. Antroponimai / Personal names. Anthroponyms; Fonetika. Fonologija / Phonology; Mokslo šaltiniai / Sources of science; Žodžių daryba. Žodžio dalys / Word formation. Parts of a word; Tikriniai vardai. Onomastika / Onomastics. Proper names.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Apeliatyvai; Asmenvardžiai; Asmenvardžių sistema; Daryba; Fonetinė adaptacija; Kilmė; Lietuvių vardai Latvijoje; Rašytiniai šaltiniai; Appellatives; Lithuanian names in Latvia; Origin; Personal names; System of person names: Phonetic adaptation; Word formation; Written sources.

ENThe article deals with the Latvian personal names of Lithuanian origin. It is based on the material collected in the main dictionary of Latvian anthroponyms by K. Siliņš "Latviešu personvārdu vārdnīca" (Rīga, 1990) and on the name calendars in nowadays The first part is devoted to the so called ancient two-root personal names which are formed of such roots as al-, mant-, taut-, mint-, gint- etc. Such personal names are very popular in neighbouring Lithuania even nowadays. There are some more new personal names of Lithuanian origin, derived from Lithuanian appellatives with zero affixation: Audra, Aušra, Laisve, Meile, Rūta etc. From the point of view of derivation there are also suffixal derivatives from substantives (Audra, Dangola, Jūrate, Andrija), some names derived from adjectives (Giedra, Gražina), one composite (Dainora). One can find personal names associated with Lithuanian toponyms (Neringa, Nidija, Vil(l)ija). There is a group of anthroponyms of foreign origin, which reached Latvia through Lithuanian language (Aldona, Jurgita, Sigita, Stepons). The article deals also with the phonetic and morphological features which indicate to the possible Lithuanisms in Latvian anthroponymic system. [text from author]

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2013-04-28 23:06:51
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