Kelių transporto darbuotojų teisinių darbo santykių reglamentavimo problemos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kelių transporto darbuotojų teisinių darbo santykių reglamentavimo problemos
Alternative Title:
Problems in regulation of the labour legal relationships in the sector of road transport
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2002, Nr. 25 (17), p. 156-162
Darbo teisė / Labor law; Darbuotojai / Workers; Transporto organizavimas / Organisation of transport.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamos šiuo metu Lietuvoje aktualios problemos, susijusios su kelių transporto priemonių ekipažų vežančių keleivius ir krovinius tarptautiniais maršrutais, darbo ir poilsio laiko reglamentavimu, šio laiko apskaita, darbo užmokesčiu bei darbuotojo materialine atsakomybe darbdaviui. Aptariamas nacionalinių bei tarptautinių norminių aktų santykis bei šių normų derinimas, būtinas integruojantis į Europos Sąjungą. Specialūs norminiai aktai, autoriaus nuomone, taikomi netinkamai. Straipsnyje pateikiami konkretūs pasiūlymai, kaip šiuos aktus tobulinti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbo kodeksas; Darbo santykiai; Darbo sąlygos; Kelių transporto darbuotojai; Mobilus darbuotojas; Transportas; Transporto darbuotojai, tarptautinių pervežimų transporto reguliavimas, atlyginimas, materialinė atsakomybė; Labour code; Labour relations; Mobile worker; Mobile workers; Transport; Transport workers, international road transport regulation, remuneration, material responsibility; Working conditions.

ENThe present paper deals with the basic issues in regulation of the labour legal relationships in the sector of international road transport in Lithuania. The most problematic areas are the institutes of work and rest time, work remuneration and material responsibility. The analysis focuses on the relationship between the national and international acts and the necessity of its proper harmonisation and application in practice, which is of vital importance for Lithuania’s integration into the European Union. The paper suggests introducing a few concrete amendments to the national acts. The main problem is that some instruments regulating remuneration for the work of a roving character are not applied in practice at all. The control over the crews of vehicles engaged in the International road transport is insufficient to meet the requirements of the European Community. It is still difficult to guarantee road safety and fair competition in the road transport sector with regard to other transport companies, which follow the EC requirements. The paper claims that state needs more officials to control hours of work and rest periods in the road transport in Lithuania. The employee’s full material responsibility to employer is provided in the Lithuanian Labour Code. Considering the material situation of the employee, the same Code provides that the real damages may be reduced by court. In practice, it is often impossible for the company to adjudge full damages from the guilty employee. It is advisable to use the services of the insurance companies to prevent from big damages. [Text from author]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
2018-12-17 11:03:19
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