LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Balsių fonemos; Distribucija; Fonema; Fonemų poziciniai variantai; Izoliuotos šnektos; Kokybinis fonemos variantas; Lenkijos lietuviai; Lietuvių dialektologija; Punsko šnekta; Tarminė fonetika; Dialect phonetics; Distribution; Isolated dialects; Lithuanian dialectology; Lithuanian in Poland; Phoneme; Positional variants of phonemes; Punsk dialect; Qualitative variant of phoneme; Subdialect of Punsk; Vowel phonemes.
ENThis article reviews the distribution of the phonemes /I/and /I./ in the Punskas Dzukan dialect. Each phoneme has three positional variants. The variants of the /I/ phoneme are: [i], [I], [ы] and /I./ - [i], [I.], [ы]. Use of these variants depends on their position in a word (absolute beginning, ending, or stem) and which consonant (palatalized or depalatalized) they follow.