Koncepcinis nacionalinio e. sveikatos plėtros proceso modelis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Koncepcinis nacionalinio e. sveikatos plėtros proceso modelis
Alternative Title:
Conceptual framework of the national eHealth development process
In the Journal:
Socialinės technologijos. 2011, Nr. 1 (2), p. 415-426
Inovacijos / Innovations; Sveikatos priežiūra / Health care.
Summary / Abstract:

LTTikslas - naudojantis naujausiais empiriniais duomenimis, pateikti koncepcinį modelį, tinkamą praktinių e. sveikatos plėtros procesų įgyvendinimui. Metodologija - tyrime taikyta kokybinio tyrimo metodologija ir su ja susiję kokybinių duomenų rinkimo metodai: dokumentų analizė, giluminiai interviu ir dalyvaujančio stebėtojo įžvalgas. Rezultatai - straipsnyje pateikiamas koncepcinis nacionalinio e. sveikatos plėtros proceso modelis. Tyrimo ribotumas - tyrimas pristato dviejų išsamių tarptautinių (atliktų Jungtinėje Karalystėje) atvejo studijų rezultatus. Rezultatus naudojant kitose šalyse būtina atsižvelgti į nacionalinio konteksto specifiškumą. Praktinė reikšmė - empiriškai pagrįsti rezultatai pateikė naujų praktinio e. sveikatos diegimo nacionaliniu lygmeniu įžvalgų. Rezultatai labai vertingi praktikams, nes pateikia naujų žinių, kaip į procesą įtraukti suinteresuotas puses (ypač galutinius kuriamų IS naudotojus), kad būtų galima pasiekti inovacijų organizuojant sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas ir organizacinių pokyčių tvaros. Orginalumas/vertingumas - straipsnio tyrimas rėmėsi autorės gautais tarptautinių atvejo studijų rezultatais. Tyrimo metodai apėmė galimybę pasinaudoti dalyvaujančio stebėtojo statusu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: E. sveikata; Nacionalinės e. sveikatos plėtros programos; Organizaciniai pokyčiai; Sektorius; Sveikatos priežiūros; Sveikatos priežiūros sektorius; Change management; Development programmes; EHealth; Healthcare sector; Innovation and sustainability; National eHealth; National eHealth development programmes; Organisational change; Stakeholder engagement.

ENIn April 2004 the European Commission adopted the eHealth Action Plan and urged the member states of the European Union to develop national eHealth implementation strategies and corresponding action plans to support their delivery. Extensive eHealth infrastructures and systems were soon viewed as central to the future provision of safe, efficient, high quality and citizen-centred healthcare. However, the ambitious plans and high expectations were soon followed by even larger failures. Based on the findings from the two international case studies undertaken by the article's author, the article has presented the conceptual e-health development framework, which introduces a much more complex understanding of eHealth development processes than the prevailing technocratic view towards technology-led organisational change. Considerable attention is paid to the organisational changes that have to take place along and the role that stakeholders play while implementing technology-led organisational change in healthcare contexts. Purpose - the purpose of this article is to deliver a conceptual framework for the analysis of eHealth development, which would correspond to the contemporary needs of practical eHealth development. Design/methodology/approach - the research findings presented in the article were delivered using qualitative research methodology and associated research methods such as document analysis, in-depth interviews and participant observation. [From the publication]Findings - the article has delivered a conceptual framework of eHealth development at the national level. Research limitations/implications - the research findings are based on two international case studies undertaken by the author in the UK. While using the results in other countries, local realities and contexts have to be taken into account. Practical implications - the article has presented empirically grounded new insights in relation to eHealth development at the national level. These results are in particular useful for practitioners because it has produced new knowledge on the conditions under which stakeholder engagement may (or may not) contribute to the innovation in patient care and sustainability of organisational change. Originality/Value - the research findings are based on two international case studies undertaken by the author. Research methods have involved relatively rarely used participant observation methods, which requires additional resources in terms of time and effort from the researcher, but also bears financial costs. However the richness of the research material and data gathered has paid off these efforts. [From the publication]

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