"Inžinerinė ekonomika" – mokslo žinių šaltinis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
  • Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
  • Anglų kalba / English
"Inžinerinė ekonomika" – mokslo žinių šaltinis
Alternative Title:
"Engineering Economics" as the source of knowledge
In the Journal:
Inžinerinė ekonomika [Engineering Economics]. 2006, Nr. 5 (50), p. 7-12
Summary / Abstract:

LTKartu su kitomis mokslo kryptimis sparčiai vystosi ekonomika ir vadyba. Ypač tai jaučiama po nepriklausomybės atkūrimo Lietuvoje. Tai rodo nauji valdymo metodai, ekonominės prognozės, sprendimų priėmimų naujos technologijos, išaugusios informacinės sistemos ir kt. Mokslinių darbų leidinys „Inžinerinė ekonomika" visa tai siekia pateikti skaitytojui, pramonei, iškelia naujų mokslo hipotezių, teikia mokslinių rekomendacijų. Išaugo publikuojamų straipsnių mokslinis lygis, autorių skaičius, susiformavo nauja leidinio struktūra, suaktyvėjo redkolegijos darbas, ryšiai su ne tik šalies, bet ir užsienio skaitytojais. Ypač teigiamai paveikė jo įtraukimas į tarptautines duomenų bazes. Jis tapo prieinamesnis mokslininkams ir žinomas daugelyje valstybių. Tai pasiekta glaudžiai bendradarbiaujant redkolegijos nariams, autoriams, ieškant naujų darbo formų, svaresnių, aktualesnių mokslinių straipsnių ir kt. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama inžinerinių sprendimų ekonominiam pagrindimui, remiantis naujausiais mokslo pasiekimais, siūloma naujų sprendimų priėmimo metodų ir užsienio mokslininkų patirtis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Autorius; Inženerinė ekonomika; Kryptis; Leidinys; Lietuvos institucijos; Metodai; Mokslas; Mokslo žinių šaltinis; Sprendimai; Užsienio šalys; Žurnalas; , issue; Author; Decisions; Direction; Engineering Economics; Foreign countries; Institutions; Issue; Journal; Methods; Research; Science; Source of Knowledge.

ENThe article considers general principles of fight against terror in the light of human rights protection point, and inner contradiction of aforementioned fight. This contradiction is evidenced by the fact that, by subjective removal of threats to human rights created by terrorism, objectively, new threats to the same human rights are being created. One of such threatening factors is transformation of fight against terrorism to fight against terrorists, twisting the essence of terrorism as a social phenomenon, and directing the fight itself towards the consequences rather than reasons of terrorism. Such a change in objects of fight implies priority switch to and increasing importance of military and police measures. Therefore, there is a threat of a new terrorism form, namely the state terrorism, when fight against separate terrorists is fought by bombing cities of sovereign states and thus encroaching fundamental rights of thousands of innocent people. States calling themselves democratic attempt to resist terrorism employing measures that are not inherent to democracy, thus endangering humans rights and future of the democracy itself. In order to prevent transformation of fight against terrorism into another threat to human rights, terrorism is to be treated as a complex social phenomenon, and fight against it is to be based on priority of legal and social measures instead of military and police ones. Recognition of priority to the former measures implies necessity for changes not only for the people inclined to terrorist activity, but also for the society itself, and the said changes should be heading towards consecutive implementation of rule of law and eguity.Inobservance to law and equity (application of double standards in social and international relations) is one of the main reasons motivating and maintaining various forms of terrorism. Terrorism might be the litmus paper, with increasing clarity proving the fact that the level of law and equity implementation, which so far guaranteed the Western world's social stability, has already depleted its creative potential to continue with its function in the globalization conditions, when new social groups, nations and even civilizations enter the social arena, seeking equal rights to participate in creating modern rules of coexistence, both on state and international level. Thus, modern world, which, even in conditions of globalization attempts to ignore the increasing and expanding demand for law and equity, to give absolute supremacy to interests of separate nations or social groups, to replace equality-based cooperation with dictate, thereby becomes dangerous for itself. Terrorism might be treated as the first and clearly expressed prophet of this awaking threat and the factor causing necessity for reforms in the modern societies. [From the publication]

1392-2785; 2029-5839
2020-04-01 15:06:24
Views: 17