Daži putnu nosaukumi latviešu un lietuviešu valodā "Eiropas valodu atlanta" materiālos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Latvių kalba / Latvian
Daži putnu nosaukumi latviešu un lietuviešu valodā "Eiropas valodu atlanta" materiālos
Alternative Title:
Common names of birds in Latvian and Lithuanian in the materials of the "European linguistic atlas"
In the Journal:
Baltu filoloģija. 2010, t. 19, nr. 1/2, p. 15-36
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Arealinė lingvistika; Baltų kalbos; Baltų kalbų atlasas; Dialektologija; Etimologija; Europos kalbų atlasas; Latvių kalba; Leksika; Paukščių pavadinimai; Tarmė; Areal linguistics; Atlas Linguarum Europae; Atlas of the Baltic languages; Baltic languages; Dialect; Dialectology; Etymology; European Linguistic Atlas; Latvian; Lexis; Lithuanian; Names of birds.

ENOn the basis of the materials in the European Linguistic Atlas the geographical spread of seven bird names along with two names denoting anatomical parts of birds is studied in the dialects of the Latvian and Lithuanian languages (cīrulis 'lark', irbe 'partridge', stārķis 'stork',pīle 'duck', pīļtēviņš 'drake', zuoss 'goose', baluodis 'pigeon, dove', knābis 'beak', uola 'egg'). A common lexicon was observed in Latvian and Lithuanian as reflected in nine maps. Several bird names encompass the entire Latvian and Lithuanian language territory. For some names a common lexical area is formed for the entire Latvian language together with Samogitian dialects, whereas for other names the common lexical area is formed in the Lithuanian and Latvian borderland. A distinctive feature of the thematic group of the lexicon connected with birds are several borrowings in Lithuanian from Latvian and vice versa. [text from author]

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