Žmogiškumo entropijos įveika Knuto Skujenieko, Gedimino Jokimaičio ir Leonardo Gutausko poezijoje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žmogiškumo entropijos įveika Knuto Skujenieko, Gedimino Jokimaičio ir Leonardo Gutausko poezijoje
Alternative Title:
Overcoming the entropy of humanity in Knuts Skujenieks’, Gediminas Jokimaitis’ and Leonardas Gutauskas’ poetry
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2011, Nr. 4, p. 436-446
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama latvių ir lietuvių poezija tremties tema atveria skirtingas autorių (K. Skujenieko, G. Jokimaičio, L. Gutausko) patirtis ir bendrą išgyvenimų vaizduosenos tendenciją. Kultūriniai sugrįžimo archetipai šių autorių kūryboje žmogiškąją išstumtųjų problematiką atskleidžia per augališką paradigmą. Teigiama, kad tai yra būdingas matricentrinių baltų kultūrų ir literatūrų savimonės bruožas, juo koduojamos vidinės subjektų transformacijos, metamorfozės ir vertybiniais pasirinkimais grįstas autorių pasipriešinimas žmogiškumo entropijai totalitarizmo epochoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Knutas Skujeniekas; Gediminas Jokimaitis; Leonardas Gutauskas; Tremtis; Tapatumas; Knut Skujenieks; Gediminas Jokimaitis; Leonardas Gutauskas; Deportation; Identity.

ENThe poetry of three Lithuanian and Latvian authors – Knuts Skujenieks, Gediminas Jokimaitis and Leonardas Gutauskas – in this article is presented as atypical literature of deportations. The factography and realities in these authors’ texts are excluded and remain as the margins of their biografies and poetry. How a person could overcome the lack of humanism, a sort of entropy of human relations, how his harmonic self-identity was restored, and what were the endeavours that neutralized the destructive and traumatising experiences – these are the main questions trying to reveal the common reaction of the three Balts to the political state repressions. Those who suffered anthropological trauma try to change the world starting from themselves. Bearing in mind the disability to act, the subjects of this poetry identify themselves as belonging rather to the paradigm of plants than to the humans, similarly to the state of a mineral when you cannot act but just stoically survive. This state substantiates the inner metamorphosis of the self, which was provoked by the regime, while other forms of resistance to the system were indisposable. Comparing to the similar existential problems in exile literature, it is stated that the subject’s liberation in most cases is linked with death, madness or the change of identity / outlook. Knuts Skujenieks, Gediminas Jokimaitis and Leonardas Gutauskas chose the cultural response to the civil repressions of the foreign state: they kept the national values, but met the radical problem: is there a sense in the human existence of this kind?.May the human survival without individual’s will be worth more than the existence of a plant or a mineral – these smaller parts of the homeland landscape, which give it more solidity and durability than the void human self-esteem? Man’s transformation into a plant, a seed, transition into the homeland landscape, as offered by cultural myths of return, in the poetry of these poets are seen as a means of reintegration, seeking for freedom and the defeat of death. However, in this poetry the vertical efficassy of traditions and culture is still more intense than the horizontal vegetative adaptation, leading to evanescence and silence. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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