Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vidaus audito informacija interneto svetainėse : turinio aspektas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vidaus audito informacija interneto svetainėse: turinio aspektas
Alternative Title:
Comprehensive school internal audit information on the websites: content aspect
In the Journal:
Švietimas: politika, vadyba, kokybė [Education Policy, Management and Quality]. 2010, Nr. 2 (5), p. 8-38
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠvietimo kokybės klausimai tampa aktualūs visoms švietimo įstaigoms nepaisant jų tipo, teikiamų paslaugu rūšies, dydžio ir t. t. Tad natūralu, kad kokybės klausimai vis aktualesni ir bendrojo lavinimo mokykloms. Pastaraisiais metais gana daug dėmesio skiriama bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vidaus audito tematikai. Tenka konstatuoti, kad vidaus auditas tėra tik nedidelė kokybės vadybos sritis. Tokio tipo institucijos veiklos (vidinės būklės) patikrinimas bet kuriuo atveju yra tik dalinis, nepakankamai objektyvus ir pan. Tačiau tinkamai atliekamas vidaus auditas neabejotinai padeda tobulinti mokyklos veiklą, jei tik tuo suinteresuota pati švietimo įstaiga. Atlikto tyrimo metu gauti rezultatai atskleidė, kad mokyklos, prieš pateikdamos vidaus audito duomenis savo interneto svetainėse, tiek gautų rezultatų apdorojimo metu, tiek vėliau susiduria su sunkumais. Akivaizdžiai stokojama ir konkrečių nurodymų, kaip šis procesas turi būti vykdomas. Akivaizdu, kad vidaus audito metodikos neefektyviai taikomos, neaišku, kokia turi būti informacijos pateikimo forma ir kokia informacija turėtų būti skelbiama viešai. Tyrimas parodė, kad pateikiamos informacijos turinys yra neišsamus, neatspindi mokyklos vertinimo proceso, mokyklos nelinkusios interneto svetainėse nurodyti, kokiais lygmenimis įvertino savo veiklą, dažniausiai nurodomos tik silpnosios, stipriosios ar tobulintinos mokyklos veiklos pusės. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiami tyrimo rezultatai, kurie atskleidžia bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vidaus audito informacijos turinio aspektus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendrojo lavinimo mokykla; Informacija; Metodika; Vidaus auditas; Comprehensive school; Information; Internal audit; Methodics; Techniques.

ENEducation quality questions become urgent for all educational institutions regardless of their type, the kind, size of provided services and so on. Thus, it is natural, that quality questions become more urgent for comprehensive schools as well. In the latter years, quite a lot of attention has been devoted to comprehensive school internal audit thematic. We can state, that internal audit is only a tiny sphere of quality management. Such typo of examining of institution activity (internal state) in any case is only partial, insufficiently objective and so on. However, internal audit (IA) carried out in an appropriate way. Without doubt, helps to improve school's activity, if educational institution is interested in this itself. The results obtained during the research revealed that schools before presenting internal audit data on their website, both during the processing the received results and later on face difficulties. Also, there is, obviously, lack of concrete directions on how this process has to be carried out. It is obvious, that internal audit methodics are being applied not effectively, it is not clear what information presentation form has to be and what information should be announced in public. The research showed that the presented information content is not exhaustive, does not reflect school assessment process, schools tend not to show on their website at what level they evaluated their activity, usually only the weakest, the strongest and improvement requiring school activity sides are pointed out.This article presents research results which reveal comprehensive school internal audit information content aspects. Activity sphere evaluation based on concrete evaluation indicators: on average, both in the old IA methodics and in the updated IA methodics. Activity spheres are evaluated 2.5. i.e. as an intermediate variant between 2nd and 3rd evaluation level: there are more strong features than shortcomings, however, the activity is adequate, but has to be improved. The highest quality having assessed school activity sphere in the old IA methodics - learning achievements - is evaluated at level 3, in the updated methodics - educability and learning and student support. Both in the old and in the updated IA methodics these activity spheres are evaluated equally (2,6) - school management, learning and education, student support, resources; (2,8) - school culture, achievements, ethos. The evaluation of advantages, disadvantages and activity spheres that need improvement: In both IA metodics the most frequently assessed activity sphere is related with the applicability of the education content to the learner. These spheres were the least evaluated: in the old IA methodics the fifth sphere - ethos, in the updated IA methodics - also the filth activity sphere, however, it is related with the strategic management of the school. Gymnasiums, comparing the results of both IA methodics analyses, tend not to evaluate activity spheres, pointing out advantages, disadvantages and activity aspects requiring improvement in the way basic, secondary and special schools do. […]. [text from author]

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