Depiktyvų žymėjimas lietuvių kalboje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Depiktyvų žymėjimas lietuvių kalboje
Alternative Title:
Marking of depictives in Lithuanian
In the Journal:
Acta linguistica Lithuanica. 2010, t. 62/63, p. 128-157
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamas laisvųjų nerezultatinių antrinių predikatyvų (depiktyvų) žymėjimas lietuvių kalboje, trumpai apžvelgiamas depiktyvų skirstymas užsienio lingvistikos darbuose. Depiktyvai straipsnyje skirstomi į dvi grupes - sintaksinius ir semantinius, smulkiai aptariamos kiekvienos grupės išraiškos formos. Siekiama parodyti, kuo lietuvių kalbos depiktyvai skiriasi nuo kitų kalbų depiktyvų, ir papildyti duomenis, pateiktus lietuvių kalbos gramatikose ir sintaksės tyrimuose. Remiantis dažnumu, sudaromos depiktyvų formų ir kalbos dalių, kuriomis jie reiškiami, hierarchijos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Antrinis predikatyvas; Depiktyvas; Depiktyvų žymėjimas; Secondary predicate; Depictive; Marking of depictives.

ENThe article deals with the marking of secondary non-resultative predicates (depictives) in Lithuanian language. In this article, depictives are divided into two groups: syntactic depictives (a depictive agrees with its controller in case) and semantic depictives (a depictive does not agree with its controller in case, but sometimes it agrees with its controller in gender and / or number). In this article, I laboured to show, how depictives in Lithuanian language are different from depictives in other languages, and to supplement the data given in Lithuanian language grammars and studies of syntax. In the end of article, I give two hierarchies: a hierarchy of cases of depictives and a hierarchy of forms of depictives. In Lithuanian language depictives can be expressed by different parts of speech (adjectives, participles, numerals, pronouns, nouns and gerunds (indeclinable active participles)), they may be used in different cases (in the nominative, in the genitive, in the dative, in the accusative, in the instrumental and in the locative) and can be expressed by noun and prepositional phrases or as 'kaip' + noun / adjective constructions.It has been determined that: 1. in Lithuanian language syntactic (in concord) depictives are used most commonly; 2. syntactic depictives can be used in the form of the instrumental and the locative cases (agreeing with controller); 3. syntactic depictives can be expressed by adjectives, participles, numerals, pronouns and nouns; 4. semantic depictives can be expressed by nouns (in the instrumental or the genitive) phrases and prepositional phrases, by the instrumental and the locative (doesn't agreeing with controller) and gerunds; 5. depictives (syntactic and semantic) mostly have the nominative and the accusative forms, not so often the instrumental forms and most rare - the locative forms. This may be present by the following hierarchy: NOM >ACC>INSTR >GEN >DAT >INDECLINABLE FORM (GERUND) >LOC; 6. depictives aligns by form so: ADJECTIVE >PARTICIPLE >KAIP + NOUN >NOUN >PRONOUN >CONVERB >NUMERAL >NOUNHRASE >PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE. Consequently, in Lithuanian language depictives are mostly expressed by adjectives, participles and noun or as + noun constructions. [From the publication]

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