LTStraipsnyje apžvelgiama tekstų intertekstualumo ir heterogeniškumo tarpusavio sąsaja. Nagrinėjamos internetinio dienraščio 2007–2008 metų straipsnių antraštės, jų sąsajos su pačiais straipsniais. Pateikiant po keletą iliustratyvių pavyzdžių, bandoma nusakyti, kokias funkcijas atlieka antraštėse esančios žymėtosios ir nežymėtosios tekstų heterogeniškumo formos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Aliuzijos; Antraštė; Antraštės, heterogeniškumas, intertekstualumas, žymėtasis heterogeniškumas, nežymėtasis heterogeniškumas, citatos, frazeologizmai, atnaujintieji frazeologizmai, patarlės, atnaujintosios patarlės, aliuzijos, šnekamosios kalbos elementai, žargonizmai; Atnaujintieji frazeologizmai; Atnaujintosios patarlės; Frazeologizmai; Heterogeniškumas; Intertekstualumas; Nežymėtasis heterogeniškumas; Patarlės; Šnekamosios kalbos elementai; Žymėtasis heterogeniškumas; Allusions; Elements of the spoken language; Headline; Headlines, heterogeneity, intertextuality, marked heterogeneity, unmarked heterogeneity, citations, phraseological units, renewed phraseological units, proverbs, renewed proverbs, allusions, elements of spoken language, jargon elements; Heterogeneity; Intertextuality; Marked heterogeneity; Phraseological units; Proverbs; Renewed phraseological units; Renewed proverbs; Unmarked heterogeneity.
ENThe interplay of the intertextuality and heterogeneity of the texts is passed in review in this article. This research work is based upon the investigation of the headlines of the articles in (a daily published on the Internet) of 2007–2008 and their links with articles themselves. Giving some illustrative examples it is tried to describe what kind of functions the marked (quotes) and unmarked (freely retold indirect speech, phraseological units, renewed phraseological units, proverbs, renewed proverbs, allusions, the elements of the spoken language) forms of textual heterogeneity do in the headlines of articles. The author of this research draws conclusions that quotes make the effect of originality as if they prove the reliability of information. Sometimes quotes, typographically abstracted in the headlines, are not direct quotation, but rehash. This can deceive a reader. Phraseological units and proverbs help a writer to represent the news more vividly and to give information more expressively. Renewed, or occasional, phraseological units and proverbs give to a text the effect of the unexpected, makes them more vivid, more observable. These occasional expressions reflect the writer’s ability to use them authentically in the particular situation.The headlines’ allusions to literary quotes, historic or political events extend the field of the text’s meanings, direct towards other context, make a reader to take a deeper look into described questions. The elements of the spoken language in headlines (for instance, slang details) not only surprise or shock a reader, but also approach a text to him or her.The speech becomes more various, more colorful. The heterogeneity of the headlines of articles provides some extra information to articles themselves. The links between a writer and an extraneous text open to a reader such meanings that frequently can be read only "between the lines". [From the publication]