Valstybinės žemėtvarkos darbai planuojant agrarinių teritorijų naudojimą

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Valstybinės žemėtvarkos darbai planuojant agrarinių teritorijų naudojimą
Alternative Title:
State land management works planning the use of agrarian territories
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2002, Nr. 1 (18), p. 15-21
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Valstybinė žemėtvarka; Žemėnaudos kompaktiškumas; Žemėtvarkos projektai; Compactness of land tenures; Land management projects; State land management; State land management: land management project: Lithuania.

ENThe main land management activities implementing land reform were formation of private plots and preparation of documents for restitution and privatization. This is only a small part of state land management tasks and works, which should be started after the land reform is finished. The following tasks and problems can be solved preparing the land management projects: formation of perspective land tenures of private farms, rearrangement and consolidation of land tenures, planning of means for the most economically efficient farming activities, the landscape and environmental protection in private farms. The research of large farms tenures shows the need and motivation of such land management works. The research of large private farms was carried out in nine districts with intensive land use and high fertility of soil. This research helped to analyze tendency of land use and influence of land management activities. 224 private farms larger than 40 ha were analyzed in the Middle of Lithuania.On average 32,6 ha from 94 ha total area is privately owned by the fanner. The average plot area because of consolidation can increase from 11,0 ha till 18,5 ha . These fields can be combined to massifs, if the distance between them is not bigger than 0,5 km and massifs in average are from 23,4 ha till 29,2 ha in different districts. The essential land use changes according to the land management projects should be done for creation of more compact land tenures, larger massifs and reduction of agriculture production costs. Without the land management projects farms can also be expanded by buying or renting unused land plots, but this increase the average distance to fields. This distance is 4,38 km and is 5 times bigger than normative for analyzed on average 94 ha size farms. [text from author]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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Land use planning in Lithuania and in the United States / Vilma Sudonienė, Daiva Matonienė. Rural development. 2009, Vol. 4, b. 2, p. 153-158.
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