Dievo vaikaitis: žmogaus vieta lietuvių kosmologijoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dievo vaikaitis: žmogaus vieta lietuvių kosmologijoje
Alternative Title:
God’s grandchild: the human place in Lithuanian Cosmology
In the Journal:
Tautosakos darbai [Folklore Studies]. 2011, 42, p. 131-158
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio objektas – lietuvių ir lyginamieji kitų tradicijų mitiniai duomenys apie Saulę ir Mėnulį kaip Dievo vaikus, apie Saulės ir Mėnulio šeimą, jų dukteris žvaigždes ir žvaigždę kaip žmogaus sielos įvaizdį. Darbo tikslas – parodyti tuose duomenyse esant tam tikrą sistemą, iš kurios, be kita ko, išplaukia ir atitinkama žmogaus vieta mitinėje kosmologijoje; būtent – parodyti žmogų esant „Dievo vaikaitį“. Straipsnio pabaigoje dar kalbama apie žmogaus sielos (mirusio arba gyvo) kilsmą atgal į savo dangiškąjį Pradą, sugrįžimą „Namo“, kuris gali būti nusakomas tomis pačiomis dangaus šviesulių pakopomis. Tyrimo metodai – aprašomasis, struktūrinis-semiotinis, lyginamasis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dangiškojišeima; Dievo vaikai; Dievo vaikaičiai; Dievo šeima; Kosmologija; Mitologija; Mėnulis; Panteonas; Saulė; Siela; Žmogus; Žvaigždės; Cosmology; Family of God; God's children; God's family; God's grandchildren; Heaven family; Man; Moon; Mythology; Phanteon; Soul; Stars; Sun.

ENThe aim of the article is to demonstrate that, according to the mythological data from the Lithuanian and the comparative Latvian, East Slavic and other folk traditions, human beings can be considered as grandchildren of God. The article consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, data proving the Sun and the Moon to be God’s children and consequently siblings, is presented; in the second chapter, data on the Sun and the Moon to constitute a pair of spouses, to be a married couple and have children of their own, namely, the stars, is given; whereas in the third chapter, the abundant data on the human being to be considered a child of the Sun and the Moon and thus, brother or sister of the stars, and also on the star as a common image of the human soul, is presented. In the fourth chapter, the conclusion is made that in the Lithuanian mythology, the human being is really considered to be at least a grandchild of God. The fifth chapter deals with the mythological idea, known primarily from the Iranian and Hellenistic sources, that the way of the departed soul to God comprises certain stages, or steps, including the star(s), the Moon, and the Sun. Thisidea can also be discerned, though not particularly distinctly, in the Lithuanian mythology. Anyway, these "steps", which the departed soul has to take on its way out of the world correspond, in reverse order, to the stages, only presented in the family code as generations, between God and the human soul. [From the publication]

1392-2831; 2783-6827
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