Sutarties instituto pritaikymas administracinėje teisėje : teorinės įžvalgos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sutarties instituto pritaikymas administracinėje teisėje: teorinės įžvalgos
Alternative Title:
Adaptation of the institute of contract in administrative law: theoretical insights
In the Journal:
Socialinių mokslų studijos [Societal Studies]. 2010, Nr. 4, p. 233-250
Summary / Abstract:

LTSutarties ir ja grindžiamos teisinio reguliavimo technikos taikymo administracinėje teisėje reiškinys skirtingų valstybių teisinėse sistemose pasireiškė įvairiais pavidalais. Vienose šalyse apsiribojo pripažinimu, kad viešoji administracija gali rinktis privatines teisines veiklos formas (privatines sutartis), kitose susiformavo administracinių sutarčių institutas. Vis dėlto pradiniuose administracinės teisės raidos etapuose sutarties institutas administracinėje teisėje ne tik kad nebuvo taikomas, bet ir buvo abejojama jo suderinamumus su fundamentalia šios teisės šakos ideologija. Todėl šis reiškinys pagrįstai gali būti įvardijamas kaip administracinės teisės kaitos padarinys, kėlęs ir šiandien tebekeliantis mokslines diskusijas. Straipsnyje analizuojamos pagrindinės administracinės teisės kaitos kryptys, kaip sutarties instituto pritaikymą šioje teisės šakoje skatinantys veiksniai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Administracinis aktas; Administracinė sutartis; Administracinės teisės funkcijos; Sutartis; Teisinio reguliavimo technika; Administrative act; Administrative contract; Contract; Functions of administrative law; Legal regulation technique.

ENThe phenomenon of a contract and the application of the contract-based technique of legal regulation in administrative law manifested itself differently in the legal systems of different countries. One of the most pronounced forms of this manifestation is the formation of the institute of administrative contract. In the present article, the author analyses the conditionality of the application of a contract in administrative law by evaluating this phenomenon in relation to the content changes in the administrative law itself, i.e. by treating it as a factor determining the changes and, at the same time, as an indicator reflecting the changes. The environment in which the classical administrative law formed determined the fact that for a long time the peculiarities of the nature of administrative legal regulation were represented by an institute of an ex-parte administrational act. Historically, the phenomenon of the penetration of the elements of private law into administrative law during the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, which finally transformed into the formation of the institute of administrative contract, is to be considered as an indicator of the approximation between public and private legal regulation techniques. An intense development of the issues under the regulation of administrative law determines a demand to find new ways of the application of the possibilities of legal regulation techniques. Legislators, considering the quality requirements of legal regulation, establish certain zones of mixed legal regime, as the issues under the regulation of administrative and civil law are often intertwined.Such a situation has a direct influence on the formation of the institute of administrative contract, in which the peculiarities of administrative and civil legal regulation are combined. The formation of the institute of administrative contract is closely related to the change in the content of the functions of administrative law. Due to an increased extent of the functions of administrative legal regulation, for this branch of law, a legal regime technique allowing a flexible reaction to the changing regulation requirements was necessary. As a response to such a necessity, the institute of administrative contract, which preconditioned the strengthening of the regulatory powers of administrative law, formed. The increase in the extent of the functions of administrative legal regulation influences the development of another function, namely, the function of social compromise as well. Public administration, acting as a mediator between the private interest and the society or the state, must ensure a harmonious coexistence of public and private interests. A contract and the forms of public administration activity based on it provide conditions for an inclusion of persons interested in legal decisions into the process of public management and, thus, for a more secure balance between different interests. In the opinion of the author, the abovementioned issues are the key factors affecting the formation of the institute of administrative contract in the Lithuanian legal system. [From the publication]

2029-2236; 2029-2244
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2018-12-17 12:54:43
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