Keletas konstitucinių formos ir turinio reikalavimų teisiniam reguliavimui konstitucinio teismo jurisprudencijoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Keletas konstitucinių formos ir turinio reikalavimų teisiniam reguliavimui konstitucinio teismo jurisprudencijoje
Alternative Title:
Several constitutional form and content requirements in regulation within the jurisprudence of the constitutional court
In the Journal:
Socialinių mokslų studijos [Societal Studies]. 2010, Nr. 4, p. 199-215
Summary / Abstract:

LTPriimant naujus, keičiant ir (arba) papildant jau priimtus įstatymus, kitus teisės aktus visus teisėkūros subjektus saisto ne tik Konstitucija ir įstatymai, reglamentuojantys teisės aktų rengimą, bet ir Konstitucinio Teismo jurisprudencija, joje suformuota oficiali konstitucinė doktrina, todėl straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kokius bendruosius reikalavimus turi atitikti įstatymas bei poįstatyminis (įstatymo įgyvendinamasis) aktas, kad atitiktų Konstituciją. Straipsnyje analizuojami Konstitucinio Teismo baigiamieji aktai, pateikiama Konstitucinio Teismo doktrina tikrinant įstatymo ir poįstatyminio akto atitiktį Konstitucijai pagal: a) normų turinį; b) reguliavimo apimtį; c) formą; d) Konstitucijoje ir įstatymuose nustatytą priėmimo, pasirašymo, paskelbimo ar įsigaliojimo tvarką. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Konstituciniai reikalavimai teisiniam reguliavimui; Konstitucinio Teismo jurisprudencija; Poįstatyminis (įstatymo įgyvendinamasis) aktas; Įstatymas; Įstatymas, poįstatyminis (įstatymo įgyvendinamasis) aktas; Constitutional requirements for legal regulation; Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court; Statute; Statutory instrument.

ENLithuania's Constitution entrenches the principle of the rule of law on of the requirements of which both Acts of Parliament and other legal acts have to comply with the Constitution (or other superior legal acts, in respect of which compliance of an inferior legal act or a part hereof is construed). The body which grants supremacy of the Constitution in Lithuania's legal system is the Constitutional Court. In view of this, the article focuses on concluding Acts of the Constitutional Court and analyses understanding of statutes and statutory instruments in legal scientific sources and jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court. Since, in the processes of new legislation and amendment or modification of existing statutes, all legal subjects are bound by the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the official constitutional doctrine stated therein, the article aims to determine general requirements that a statute or a statutory instrument have to meet in order to comply with the Constitution.The article also describes the doctrine of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, adhering to verifying the compliance of statutes and statutory instruments with the Constitution in the following spheres: (a) content of norms; (b) scope of regulation; (c) form; (d) course of adoption, signing, promulgation and effect set by the Constitution and other Acts of Parliament. Acts of the Constitutional Court specifically focus on clarification whether the principle of legal legitimacy is followed in legislation, i.e. whether the legislator takes into consideration fundamental legal requirements, forms and procedures and authority of legal subjects provided by the Constitution and other legal Acts. The principle of legitimacy in the rule of law means legitimacy of both, the form and the content. By validating compliance of legal Acts with the Constitution, the Constitutional Court eliminates unconstitutional (wrongful) provisions from the legal system, thus the constitutional control neither denies nor degrades the law, but to the contrary helps to improve the legal system and consolidates constitutional legitimacy. [text from author]

2029-2236; 2029-2244
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2018-12-17 12:54:42
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