Lietuvos geležinkelių raida

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos geležinkelių raida
Alternative Title:
Development of Lithuanian railways
In the Journal:
Žiemgala. 2010, Nr. 2, p. 32-37
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje aptariama Lietuvos plačiųjų ir siaurųjų geležinkelių raida nuo 1858 iki 1990 metų, nutiestos trasos, jų reikšmė Lietuvai, įtaka ekonomikos klestėjimui, ūkio plėtrai, socialiniam gyvenimui. Be to, aptarta geležinkelio stočių kompleksų infrastruktūra, svarbiausios jų sudedamosios dalys. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: 1858-1990; Funkcinės zonos; Geležinkelio istorija; Geležinkelio stotis; Geležinkelis; Infrastruktūra; Lietuvos geležinkeliai; Platusis geležinkelis; Siaurasis geležinkelis; Stoties funkcinės zonos; Stoties kompleksas; 1858-1990; Functional area; Infrastructure; Lithuania; Lithuanian railway; Narrow - gauge Railway; Narrow–gauge railway; Railway; Railway history; Railway station; Station Complex, Station Functional Area; Station complex; Wide Railway.

ENThe aim of this article is to review the development of Lithuania's railways throughout the history and to discuss the infrastructure of the railway station and functional zones. The work discusses the history of Lithuania's railways at the time when the nations of Czarist Russia and Kaiser Germany were controlling, during the period of the First World War, in the year of Independent Lithuania and in the Soviet years. Firstly, the article discusses the period from 1858 till 1918, when the building of railway was started, including the built routes, their economical and public importance, the political intentions of Prussia and Czarist Russia. The period of Independence of Lithuania is one more important period in the history of railways. Its review highlights the variable intentions of the state in regard with the railways, the formation of integral economy system in the last decades of independence, the building of new routes, and the active development of the narrow railways. In the review of the Soviet period, there is a discussion about the active reduction of network of narrow railways and development of network of broad railways, which was done by the soviet authorities; there are also revealed the causes of the aforementioned phenomenon. The last part of the article is intended for the discussion about the most important object of the railway infrastructure - railway station, its functional and complex parts of the infrastructure. [From the publication]

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