Tėvų įtraukimas į aplinkos pedagogizavimą taikant andragogines sistemas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tėvų įtraukimas į aplinkos pedagogizavimą taikant andragogines sistemas
Alternative Title:
Involvement of the parent in the process of pedagoging the educational environment by applying andragogical systems
In the Journal:
Socialinių mokslų studijos [Societal Studies]. 2010, Nr. 4, p. 57-68
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamas tėvų įtraukimas į aplinkos pedagogizavimą taikant andragogines sistemas, šių sistemų taikymas siekiant sukurti tinkamą vaikui mokymosi aplinką ir gyvenimo sąlygas, palaikyti motyvaciją. Tėvai andragoginėmis priemonėmis skatinami įsitraukti į švietimo įstaigos bendruomenės veiklą, nes būdami aktyvūs jos nariai jie ne tik prisideda prie vaikų švietimo įstaigos vadybos, bet patys įgyja veiklos planavimo, koordinavimo, organizavimo ir vertinimo kompetencijų. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Andragogika; Andragoginės sistemos; Aplinkos pedagogizavimas; Socializacija; Tėvai; Ugymo institucijos; Vaikai; Šeima; Andragogy; Educational institution; Educational institution socialization; Family; Parents; Pedagoging (pedagogy) environment; Socialization.

ENThe article discusses the involvement of parents in the process of pedagoging the environment through andragogical systems. Priority education accrues to the family as the overriding social institute, where people undergo the first and most important process of socialization. The other structures of socialization people usually experience a little later. Families are not an auxiliary institute, seeking to create and maintain the existing structures and relations in the country, but they are the main condition for realizing human potential. Family is an institution which has unique features, a significant impact on personality formation and social development. The family is the first and major social institute which has crucial impact on children’s education, but after attending an educational institution, the role of the family as a major education institution is reducing. Gradually parents stop taking the same scope of attention to their child‘s problems, achievements, disposing of the function of education and training to public education institutions. It is commonly observed that only a few parents communicate with teachers and reluctantly participate in community life. The family as an institution leads to pre-school children’s complexity of education. Development of parental rights and obligations result from the need for parents to find qualified educational assistance to help manage their children’s educational areas.Therefore, educational institutions address both issues of parental education, development of informal models of micro-education. In this way, parents have opportunity to learn educational needs in the same environment as their children do. This is consistent with the parents’ needs, helping them, together with the teachers, to address the children’s educational development issues. At the same time, pre-school institutions are enhanced by both parents, as an adult group, as personal interest in education in general, as well as orientation to pre-school modernization. This article deals with the andragogical system, seeking active engagement of in-school life, thus forming a suitable climate for the child’s learning, motivation and maintaining order appropriated to learning and life conditions. Andragogical tools encourage parents to become involved in the community activities of educational institutions. Being the members of an educational institution (and community), parents not only contribute to the development of children’s education institutions, but also acquire planning, coordination, organization and evaluation skills. [From the publication]

2029-2236; 2029-2244
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