LTLietuvos švietimo sistemai integruojantis į Europos švietimo erdvę, labai svarbi tapo švietimo kokybė. Tačiau jos neįmanoma siekti be nuolatinio vertinimo, įsivertinimo, kurie numato struktūrines galimybes veiklai apžvelgti, t. y. nustatyti, kiek toji veikla atitiko lauktus rezultatus, ir, reikalui esant, atlikti koreguojamuosius veiksmus bei tokiu būdu garantuoti mokyklos veiklos tobulinimą. Vienas iš populiariausių būdų, padedančių užtikrinti švietimo kokybę, yra mokyklų vidaus auditas. Tyrime dalyvavo 20 Šiaulių miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų, kurios organizavo ir kurios vis dar organizuoja vidaus auditą. Jose apklausti 184 respondentai (29 vadovai ir 155 pedagogai), kuriems teko dalyvauti vidaus audito procese. Išsiaiškintas jų požiūris į vidaus auditą kaip veiklos kokybės vertinimo būdą. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad atlikti vidaus auditą teko visoms apklausoje dalyvavusioms ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoms. Didžioji dalis šių įstaigų, neabejoja vidaus audito teikiama nauda, todėl į į kaip veiklos kokybės vertinimo būdą ketina taikyti ir ateityje. Vidaus audito metodikos modelis bei pats vidaus audito procesas vertinami gana teigiamai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaiga; Ikimokyklinės ugdymo įstaigos; Išorinis auditas; Kokybė; Veiklos kokybė; Vertinimas, švietimo įstaigos; Vidaus auditas; Educational organizations; Evaluation; Internal audit; Internal auditing; Pre- school education institution; Pre-school education institution; Quality; Quality of performance; Qulity.
ENWhile Lithuanian educational system was being integrated into the educational space of Europe, the quality of education became very important. However, it is impossible to achieve without continuous assessment and self-assessment, which provide structural opportunities to overview activities, i.e. to determine how much such activities produced the expected results and to take corrective actions as necessary, thus guaranteeing the improvement of the school activities. One of the most popular methods helping to ensure the quality of education is the internal audit of schools. 20 pre-school education institutions of Šiauliai City, which had organised and which were still organising their internal audits, participated in the survey. In these institutions 184 respondents (29 managers and 155 pedagogues) had been selected who participated in the process of the internal audit, and this helped to ascertain their approach towards the internal audit as a method for assessment of quality of performance. Using the empirical investigation, it was established that all pre-school institutions, which participated in the survey, had performed an internal audit. Most of these institutions did not have any doubts regarding the benefit delivered by the internal audit; therefore they intended to use it as a method for assessment of quality of performance in future as well. The model of the methodology of the internal audit and the process of the internal audit were assessed rather positively. [From the publication]