Etninė kultūra mokykloje: tarp tradicijos ir modernumo

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Etninė kultūra mokykloje: tarp tradicijos ir modernumo
Alternative Title:
Ethnic culture at school: tradition and modernity
In the Journal:
Liaudies kultūra. 2011, Nr. 6, p. 59-67
Summary / Abstract:

LTNeabejojama etnine kultūra kaip tautos prigimtine tradicija ir būties pagrindu, tačiau nuolatos kyla klausimų, ar etninės kultūros tradicija, kurta senovėje, gali būti suprantama ir suvokiama šiandien, kaip ją padaryti aktualią ir perteikti šiuolaikiniam žmogui? Kas padeda, kas trukdo efektyviai etninės tradicijos sklaidai ir raiškai? Ankstesniuose straipsniuose („Liaudies kultūra“, 2010, Nr.4, Nr.6) aptarti bendrieji etninės kultūros funkcionavimo švietimo sistemoje ypatumai (atskiros/integruotos pamokos, neformalus ugdymas). Šiame straipsnyje, remdamiesi mokytojų apklausos ir interviu, atliktų 2009–2010 metais, tyrimu, paliesime metodinius etninės kultūros ugdymo mokyklose ypatumus, atkreipdami dėmesį į praktikos ir teorijos, tradicijos ir modernizacijos santykį ir veiksnius, darančius įtaką moksleivių nuostatoms etninės kultūros atžvilgiu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Autentiškumas; Etninė kultūra; Etnokultūrinis ugdymas; Modernizacija; Tradicija; Authenticity; Education; Ethnic culture; Ethnocultural education; Lithuania; Modernization; Tradition.

ENSociological teacher-expert research in ethnic culture identified some trends to be followed by ethnic culture teachers at secondary schools. The research suggests that students are mostly drawn by practical tasks providing them with skills they can use later. The experts advise against strictly theoretical classes which fail to bring theory and practice together. Students' attitudes to ethnic culture and the efficiency of ethnic culture teaching depend on the motivation system provided by the school. Continuous ethno-cultural development provided at every stage of secondary education which is said to create positive attitudes among students towards ethnic culture. Ethno-cultural movement is intertwined with dominant attitudes towards ethnic culture in the society, which are often counter productive because they foster a negative image of the ethnic culture and rather see it as out of date and second rate. The research also suggests that an important role is played by the subjective factor, namely the personality of the teacher. Teaching ethnic culture the subject that embraces the entirety of cultural values and helps sustain the national identity as well as national self-awareness naturally requires not only professional sophistication, but personal engagement and dedication, too. The research revealed two effective ways of teaching ethnic culture: authentification and modernisation.Authentification is associated with passing on the authentic tradition and bringing it closer to its natural conditions, that is, using traditional forms of expression, creating folklore communities, celebrating traditional festivals in natural environments, etc. Modernisation is associated with bringing ethnic culture closer to contemporary culture by innovations, adapting it to contemporary needs and using contemporary form of expression as well as contemporary stylistics. [From the publication]

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