Tekstilės paveldo skaitmeninimas: projektai ir kryptys

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tekstilės paveldo skaitmeninimas: projektai ir kryptys
Alternative Title:
Digitalization of textile heritage: projects and trends
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje aptariami lietuvių liaudies tekstilės paveldo ir audimo raštų elektroniniai ištekliai, išleisti Lietuvoje. Analizuojami 2002 - 2008 metais sukurti elektroniniai ištekliai: „Kūryba ir tradicijos. Geometriniai lietuvių audinių raštai“, „Lietuvių tautinis kostiumas“, „Tekstilės ornamentų analizė ir projektavimas“, „Pynimų ir audinių projektavimas“, „Audimo raštų studija: sijonai“, nagrinėjami jų turinio, pobūdžio, prieigos galimybių ir tikslinės auditorijos aspektai. Plačiau pristatomi elektroninio ištekliaus „Audimo raštų studija: sijonai“ duomenų bazės sudarymo klasifikaciniai kriterijai. Nagrinėjamuose elektroniniuose ištekliuose išskirti trys duomenų pateikimo variantai, kai įvairiai derinami mokslinių tyrimų medžiaga, edukaciniai tekstai, duomenų bazės ir programinė įranga. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Audinių ornamentika; Duomenų bazė; Kryptys; Paveldas; Programinė įranga; Projektai; Skaitmeninimas; Tekstilė; Tekstilės paveldas; Data base; Digitalization; Direction; Heritage, data base; Pattern ornaments; Projects; Software; Textile; Textile heritage.

ENThe paper focuses on five electronic sources created in Lithuania in 2002 - 2008 embracing education, fields of research and preservation of the Lithuanian folk textile heritage and pattern ornaments. They are: "Art and Traditions. Geometrical Ornaments in Lithuanian Textile" (Savoniakaitė 2002, 2004), "Lithuanian National Costume" (Keturakienė, Ašmonaitienė, Jurkuvienė 2006), "Analysis and Design of Textile Ornaments" (Milašius, Katunskis 2008a), "Weaves and Textile Design" (Milašius, Katunskis 2008b), "Study on Weaving Patterns: Skirts" (Kumpikaitė, Nėnienė, Katunskis 2008). The sources differ in the aspects of their contents, target audience and access possibilities. The themes of the publications embrace textile pattern ornaments, structures and methods of ornament design related with particular textile wares - bedspreads, towels, sashes and skirts. They also present reconstructions of the national costume carried out by following the authentic examples of the 19th century. These electronic sources can be divided into 3 groups according to the character of the data and their combination: 1) detailed research material is presented with the interactive links, sound and video records, selected pictures of the most typical ornaments (Savoniakaitė 2002, 2004; Keturakienė, Ašmonaitienė, Jurkuvienė 2006); 2) research material is presented with the data base of the explored objects (Kumpikaitė, Nėnienė, Katunskis 2008); 3) provides software for the design of the textile and ornament patterns, includes an educational text on the design and the data base (Milašius, Katunskis 2008a, b).The software allows for designing and analysis of the peculiarities of the traditional pattern ornaments by revealing their structure and the method of their design as well as to use these methods in creating new ornaments and to apply them to up-to-date textile products (Milašius, Katunskis 2008a, b). Textile technologists have offered the classification system for woven ornaments based on various symmetric groups and actions with matrixes. According to the system every ornament can be depicted in 4 symmetric operations (Milašius, Neverauskienė, Katunskis, Kazlauskienė 2002:34-39; Katunskis, Milašius, Taylor 2004:43-46). The compilation and design of data bases of cultural material has recently been an important problem. The paper provides a wider presentation of the database classification criteria of the electronic source "Study on Weaving Patterns: Skirts" (Kumpikaitė, Nėnienė, Katunskis 2008). Access possibilities are defined according to the character of the media. There may be wider and narrower variations of access possibilities. One of the simplest ways of a wide Access follows the traditional book presentation which is an electronic book in a CD format. It does not make any complex problems or obstacles and can be distributed through bookshops or libraries both for certain price or borrowed free of charge for a temporary use. In other way, the internet version of the publication is created with on-line access. Data bases related to the usage of some unique software or unique empirical data source have a narrower access which is restricted by specific features of the media software, its operation skills or author's rights limitations. [From the publication]

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