Lyderystės kompetencijos raiška individualios karjeros kontekste

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lyderystės kompetencijos raiška individualios karjeros kontekste
Alternative Title:
Expression of leadership competence in terms of individual career
In the Journal:
Ekonomika ir vadyba [Economics and management]. 2011, Nr. 16, p. 961-968
Summary / Abstract:

LTModernus požiūris į organizacijų vadybą akcentuoja ne vien vadovų, turinčių lyderio potencialą, svarbą. Akcentuojamas lyderystės kaip kompetencijos poreikis ne organizacijos, bet atskiro individo, ugdančio universalias, nepriklausančias nuo veiklos srities kompetencijas, atitinkančias jo asmeninius karjeros tikslus, lygmeniu. Lyderystės kompetencija pradėta priskirti organizacijos lygmenyje tiek vadovui, tiek ir darbuotojui, o individo lygmenyje – bet kuriam žmogui, kuris siekia savo asmeninių gyvenimo ir karjeros tikslų. Straipsnyje siekiama nustatyti lyderystės kompetencijos poreikį ilgalaikės individualios karjeros kontekste. Empirinio tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad sėkminga ilgalaikė individuali karjera yra labiausiai sąlygojama trijų kompetencijų grupių – techninių įgūdžių ir žinių, tarpasmeninių santykių ir asmeninių lyderystės atributų. Empirinis tyrimas patvirtino teorinę nuostatą, kad lyderystė svarbi ne tik vadovaujančias pareigas užimantiems organizacijų lyderiams, bet ir asmenims, tiesiogiai su vadovaujančia pozicija organizacijoje nesusijusiems. Nustatytas aktualų lyderystės atributų: atsakomybės ir pasitikėjimo savimi bei veiklumo, grįsto valios savybėmis ir lyderystės įgūdžių: viešojo kalbėjimo įgūdžių, gebėjimo save pateikti ir formuoti įvaizdį poreikis sėkmingos individualios karjeros kontekste. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lyderystė; Kompetencija; Karjera; Leadership; Competence; Career.

ENThe scientific theories created with the purpose to explain the phenomenon known as leadership usually focus on its essence and importance in corporate management processes. However, the actual managers are not the only ones who have leadership skills. Each person in spite of his/her position is in possession of certain capabilities to become a leader. Leadership is a challenge and a possibility to express oneself for most of the people; therefore, leadership is considered to be an important skill both in corporate management as well as in the other fields where coherence between the common values and the personal ones is a desirable trait. The goal of the article is to determine the necessity of leadership competence in terms of long-term individual career. The following research methods were applied: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature with the purpose to reveal the relation between leadership and management and to define leadership as a competence; quantitative research method using a survey with the purpose to empirically ground the necessity of leadership competence in terms of individual career. Research results. The analysis of the scientific literature showed that the modern approach to leadership is of multipartite nature. A few tendencies which define the relation between leadership and management may be noticed in the scientific researches. These tendencies involve identifying management with leadership, separating management from leadership and considering leadership to be at a higher level than management. Identifying management with leadership is an approach often seen in the works of earlier leadership researchers (Mintzberg, Drucker). Such an attitude is usually grounded with the research results of activities observed in different groups.The results usually reveal that the functions of management are best carried out by the people who have a good social standing, are favoured by their associates and have a good reputation both as professionals and at the level of informal relationship. Bennis, Nannus (1998), Appleby (2003) emphasize the difference between management and leadership. According to them, management is a road of career and leadership is a matter of calling. Scientific research has made numerous attempts to define both objective and subjective factors that explain the line dividing these concepts. The high regard for leadership is based both on the influence of the charisma of the leader on the followers and on the focus of the latter on the future outlook, implementation of radical changes and assurance of their continuity. Throughout the recent years leadership has been considered as a competence rather than a process. The activities of a manager involve more than supervision of other people; it is closely related to other management functions. Therefore, leadership in corporate management is a competence prerequisite for successful activities rather than the main process. According to Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding (2000) and Zaccaro (2007), certain traits of a leader hold substantial significance and determine the outcomes of management. Savanevičienė et al (2007) attributes leadership to the strategic individual competences defined as universal and non-depending on the field of activity. The approach to leadership as a competence transfers the focus from a certain organization onto a person who develops universal competences that are not dependent on his/her field of activity and correspond with his/her personal career goals. Such a shift of focus allows the said person to ensure a successful integration into occupational activities in a long-term perspective.An empirical research was carried out in an attempt to determine the level of importance of leadership as a competence in terms of personal career. The empirical research was performed in a group of master degree students majoring in Business and Management. Instead of associating the necessity of the mentioned competence with a particular organization, the research was focused on the outlook of a long-term and successful individual career. A qualitative research in a form of survey was carried out. It consisted of 62 distributed questionnaires, 57 of which were returned completed. The statistical frequency of responses was 92%. The evaluation scale for the importance of leadership competences consisted of 5 possible points. Research conclusions. The results of the empiric research allow drawing the following two essential conclusions: 1) a long-term and successful individual career is mostly influenced by the following three groups of competences: technical skills and knowledge, interpersonal relationships, and personal attributes of leadership; and 2) the theoretic assumption was confirmed which stated that leadership is a trait important not only to the organization leaders in managing positions but also to the people who are not directly related to the managing positions in the organization. [From the publication]

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