LTStraipsnis supažindina su Lietuvos aidžiosios Kunigaikštystės didikų Sapiegų rūmų Vilniuje istorinių interjerų atkūrimo projektu. Rūmai buvo pastatyti ir interjerai kurti XVII a. pabaigoje, tačiau XIX-XX a. rūmai buvo nevykusiai rekonstruoti, interjerai sunyko. Straipsnis grindžiamas 2007-2008 m. Vilniaus dailės akademijos dėstytojų atliktais tyrimais. Rūmų, keturių patalpų baroko interjerų restauravimo ir atkūrimo siūlymai parengti kaip VDA magistro studijų baigiamasis (diplominis) projektas: autorė – Dovilė Morkūnaitė-Kazakevičienė, darbo vadovas – prof. dr. Jonas Glemža, projektas remiasi VDA atliktais tyrimais bei analogijomis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dovilė Morkūnaitė-Kazakevičienė; Giovanni Battista Frediani; Giovanni Pietro Perti; Interjero atkūrimo projektas; Istorinio interjero atkūrimo projektas; Istorinis interjeras; Kultūros paveldas; Lietuvos barokas; Michellangelo Palioni; Sapiegų rūmai Antakalnyje; Cultural heritage; Dovilė Morkūnaitė-Kazakevičienė; Giovanni Battista Frediani; Giovanni Pietro Perti; Historical interior; Lithuanian Baroque; Mivhellangelo Palioni; Project of interior restoration; Project of recreation of historical interior; Sapiega's palace in Antakalnis; Vilnius Sapieha Palace in Antakalnis.
ENIn the article there are discussed suggestions for recreation of historical interiors of Vilnius Sapiegos Palace in Antakalnis which was owned by prominent noblemen of Grand Duchy of Lithuania The Palace was built and its interiors Were equipped at the end of the 18th century. But during the 19th-20th c. the Palace was unsuccessfully reconstructed and its interiors decayed. The article is based on historical, architectural, polychromatic, artistic and archeological investigations, which were carried out by the scientists of Vilnius Academy of Arts (VAA) and Vilnius University in 2007-2008. The suggestions of Baroque interiors for restoration-recreation of four premises of the Palace were prepared in the final-project for master's degree: its author is D. Morkūnaitė (Kazakevičienė), scientific adviser – prof. J.Glemža. The project is based on investigations fulfilled by VAA and the analogues. In the project there are suggestions for recreation of interior architecture and its equipment (furniture, lights, stoves, etc.). The other Baroque Palaces of Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Vilnius are waiting for similar types of projects. [From the publication]