Meninė kalvystė ir

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Meninė kalvystė ir/ar šaltkalvystė XVI-XIX a. Lietuvoje: terminijos tikslinimas Vilniaus amatininkų veiklos ir produkcijos pavyzdžiu
Alternative Title:
Artistic smithery or/and metalwork in Lithuania in the 16th-19th centuries: Vilnius craftsmanship and production: issue of terminology
In the Journal:
Kultūros paminklai. 2011, 16, p. 46-65
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos dvi giminingos amatininkų - kalvių ir šaltkalvių - grupės, veikusios Vilniaus mieste XVI-XIX a. Cechų statutų ir kitų archyvinių dokumentųpagrindu stengiamasi parodyti kalvių ir šaltkalvių veiklos pobūdžio bei produkcijos panašumus ir skirtumus. Siekiama išaiškinti, kokius dirbinius reikėtų priskirti kalviams, o kokius šaltkalviams, kaip derėtųjuos vadinti. Straipsnyje pateikiama ir kitų Europos kraštų, daugiausia Lenkijos, cechų istorija ir mokslininkų praktika analizuojant ir įvardijant analogiškus paveldo objektus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kalvystė; Meninė kalvystė; Meninė šaltkalvystė; Vilnius; 16 amžius; 17 amžius; 18 amžius; 19 amžius; 16th-19th centuries; Artistic metalwork; Artistic smithery; Smithery; Vilnius.

ENThe main problem is how to name an artistic ironwork in Lithuania in 16th- 19th centuries, because now the terminology is taken from the mral craftsmen. A long and complicated history of blacksmiths and locksmiths in Vilnius revealed differences between these two crafts. Though these craftsmen started their history in the same guild, but they always had problems about production, because each group of tradesmen got used to make any ironwork for getting money. This situation was solved in 1751, when their production was separated. The locksmiths had to produce an artistic works, and the blacksmiths – daily and non ornamented things. All researches of an artistic ironwork in Lithuania gave a name as artistic smithery, because in the end of the 19th and the 20th centuries a rural handicraft was taken over urban one. From that time all scientists are using a term of artistic smithery and have forgotten about another craftsmen - locksmiths. A foreign study of an artistic ironwork is more detailed than in Lithuania. They have much more researches about guilds of blacksmiths and locksmiths, their relationships, production and market activity. The modern studies turn to call artistic ironwork in foreign countries as artistic smithery-metalwork, but they didn't choose one term, because the production of these tradesmen was Always mixing and its still not clear Though now there aren't enough researches about of each group of craftsmen in Lithuania, but now we can clearly say, that an artistic metalwork in Lithuania must be called as an artistic smitherymetalwork without choosing one term, because the production was mixing very often between these craftsmen. [From the publication]

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