Ekonominės politikos veiksnių poveikis smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtrai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ekonominės politikos veiksnių poveikis smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtrai
Alternative Title:
Economic policy’s factors influence on development of small and middle enterprises
Summary / Abstract:

LTEkonomikos veiksnių rodikliai apibūdina valstybės ekonominę situaciją. Ekonomikos veiksnių rodyklių analizė suteikia galimybę ne tik įvertinti šalies ekonominį lygį, bet ir nustatyti šių veiksnių ryšį su darbo rinkos būkle, smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtra. Užimtumo lygio didinimas yra veiksmingiausia ekonomikos augimą ir socialinės įtraukties ekonomiką skatinanti priemonė. Efektyviam darbo rinkos funkcionavimui įtakos turi daug vidinių ir išorinių veiksnių. Svarbūs išoriniai veiksniai – tai ekonominiai pokyčiai. Vienas iš svarbiausių ekonominės politikos uždavinių yra smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtra. Smulkios ir vidutinės įmonės turi didelę įtaką ekonomikos plėtrai, jos yra pagrindinis naujų darbo vietų kūrėjas, užimtumą skatinantis veiksnys. Straipsnyje pateikiami Lietuvos ekonomikos tam tikrų veiksnių statistinės duomenų analizės rezultatai, nustatomas ekonomikos rodiklių tarpusavio ryšys. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbo rinka; Ekonomikos rodikliai; Investicijos; Nedarbas; Smulkus ir vidutinis verslas; Tiesioginės užsienio; Tiesioginės užsienio investicijos; Economic indicators; Foreign direct investment; Labour market; Small and medium business (SME); Unemployment.

ENThe economy is primarily a social process, involving social actors: people, social groups, institutions and the state. Social processes are not separated from economic changes, they affect each other. European Union gives priority to social policy, labour and employment, human resources' development. Economic indicators describe the economic situation. If the state's economic indicators are good, then the State facilitates the business. Economic indicators' analysis provides opportunities not only to assess the country's economic level, but also to identify those factors are relevant to the labour market situation of small and medium business's development. Welfare of the state depends on its economic and labour market policies, the ability to per capita income. The employment is the most important way for full, active and equal participation in public life. Employment rates in the most efficient economic growth and social inclusion, economic incentive arrangement. The labour market is an open system. Its effective functioning is influenced by many factors (both internal and external). The important external factors are the economic changes. One of the most important economic policy challenges is the small and medium businesses' development. Small and medium-sized enterprises have a significant impact on economic development; it is a major creator of jobs, employment growth.This business segment is a constant source of employment, economic stagnation since the SME employment declining relatively less, but good times there is relatively more than large companies. In order to create a supportive and growth-oriented investment climate and achieving a high level of global competitiveness, Lithuania must switch to a high-tech, higher-level economy. Probably this can be done through innovation in all areas of economic life. This article presents statistical data of the Lithuanian economy analysis, determined macro-economic (GDP, employment) and other indicators of economic access. GDP can be observed as small and medium-sized enterprises have a positive relationship. Analysis of data based on states that Lithuania's GDP and unemployment proved negative relationship. The survey showed that employment is strongly associated with the number of registered small and medium sized enterprises, growth in fixed investments. Lithuanian SME and employment dynamics analysis statistics show that the active labour market measures are related to SME development opportunities. In short, that the main macroeconomic indicators such as GDP and employment is a strong link with the labour market indicators and indicators for SME development. [From the publication]

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2020-08-22 11:08:40
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