Lithuanian agencies and other public sector organisations: organisation, autonomy, control and performance

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Anglų kalba / English
Lithuanian agencies and other public sector organisations: organisation, autonomy, control and performance
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Vilnius University, 2011.
316 p
List of tables and figures — Acknowledgements — Abbreviations — About the authors — Introduction: Aims and scope of the book; Main concepts; Theoretical framework for analysis and methodology; Methodology; Structure of the book — The system of the Lithuanian public sector organisations and its evolution in the 1990–2010 period — The current landscape of Lithuanian agencies in the wider context of the public sector — History and drivers of agencification in Lithuania — Mapping of the agencies under the Lithuanian ministries: how do the mapping data explain organisational birth, maintenance and death — Central concepts and methodological approach — Main drivers behind agency births and deaths — Analysis of the mapping data — What does the COBRA survey tell us? Autonomy, control and innovativeness of the Lithuanian public sector organisations — Explaining autonomy and control — Explaining the adoption of innovative performance techniques — Methodology — Empirical tests — Lithuanian regulatory agencies — Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority — Competition Council — EU support agencies in Lithuania — Establishment and evolution of the EU support agencies and their main characteristics — Autonomy and control of the EU support agencies — Performance and innovativeness of the EU support agencies — Information Society Development Committee — The establishment of the Committee — The managerial autonomy of the Committee in 2001 — Policy autonomy of the Committee — Ex post control and performance management of the Committee — Public security organisations in Lithuania — The State Security Department — The Special Investigation Service — The impact of greater autonomy on the efficiency of work and the quality of services in providing vocational education and training —Conceptual framework and methodology — Findings of the analysis — Conclusions and recommendations: Theoretical and methodological approach; The birth, life and death of the Lithuanian public sector organisations; Autonomy and control of the Lithuanian public sector organisations; Innovations in the Lithuanian public sector organisations; Theoretical implications and suggestions for future research; Policy recommendations — Literature — Index.
Recenzija leidinyje Journal of Baltic studies. 2013, vol. 44, no. 1, p. 115-118
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠioje knygoje pristatomi pagrindiniai Vilniaus Universiteto Tarptautinių santykių ir politikos mokslų instituto įgyvendintos tyrimų programos rezultatai. Tyrimų programą sudaro du projektai: Europos Sąjungos COST programos veiksmo IS0601 tyrimas „Dabartinių viešojo sektoriaus organizavimo tendencijų lyginamieji tyrimai“ (2008–2011 m.) ir Lietuvos mokslo tarybos finansuotas tyrimas „Lietuvos valdžios institucijų struktūros ir veiklos kaitos tendencijos“ (2010–2011 m.). Pirmojo tyrimo tikslas – didinti žinias apie dabartines viešojo sektoriaus organizacijos tendencijas Europoje iš Europos perspektyvos tarptautiniame kontekste, siekiant gilinti teorinį tikslumą bei optimizuoti metodologijas, kurios sukels pagrįstas tyrimų išvadas, atitinkančias viešosios politikos poreikius. Antrojo tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir paaiškinti Lietuvos valdžios institucijų struktūros ir valdymo kaitos tendencijas, kuriomis remiantis būtų teikiamos rekomendacijos dėl Lietuvos valdžios struktūros ir valdymo reformos krypčių. Šiame leidinyje pristatant minėtų tyrimo projektų rezultatus, ieškoma atsakymų į tris pagrindinius klausimus. Pirma, kaip viešojo sektoriaus organizacijos susikuria, ar jų veikla gali nutrūkti ir kas vyksta tarp šių dviejų raidos momentų? Antra, kokie viešojo sektoriaus organizacijų skiriamieji bruožai? (Ar jos pakankamai autonomiškos bei pavaldžios jų veiklos rezultatų vertinimu grįsta kontrole? Kodėl šios agentūros skiriasi pagal autonomijos ir kontrolės lygį?) Trečia, kodėl kai kurios organizacijos yra novatoriškesnės ir rezultatyvesnės nei kitos?.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Europeizacija; Naujoji viešoji vadyba; Viešojo sektoriaus organizacijos; Autonomija, kontrolė; Europeanisation,; New Public Management; Public sector organisations; Autonomy, control.

ENThe book presents the main results of the research programme implemented by the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University. The research programme consists of two projects: the research within the framework of the European Union COST Action IS0601 “Comparative research into current trends in public sector organisation” (2008–2011) and the research financed by the Research Council of Lithuania “Trends of the change in the structure and activities of Lithuanian government institutions” (2010–2011). The aim of the first research is to increase knowledge about the current trends of the public sector organisation in Europe from the European perspective in the international context seeking to deepen theoretical accuracy and optimise methodologies that will lead to reasonable conclusions of the research, meeting the needs of public policy. The aim of the second research is to identify and explain the trends of the change in the structure and administration of Lithuanian government institutions, which could serve as a basis for providing recommendations regarding the directions of the reform of the Lithuanian government structure and administration. This publication presents the results of the mentioned research projects and searches for an answer to three main questions: How do public sector organisations establish, can their activities be discontinued and what goes on between these two moments of development? What are the distinctive features of public sector organisations? (Are they sufficiently autonomous and subordinate by the control based on the assessment of their performance? Why do these agencies differ in accordance with the level of autonomy and control?) Why are certain organisations more innovative and productive than other?.

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