Skirtingo pažangumo jaunesniųjų moksleivių savivertės, mokymosi motyvacijos ir mokyklinio nerimastingumo ypatumai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Skirtingo pažangumo jaunesniųjų moksleivių savivertės, mokymosi motyvacijos ir mokyklinio nerimastingumo ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Peculiarities of self-esteem, school anxiety and learning motivation of primary school children with low level of academic achievement
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2003, 67, p. 84-91
Summary / Abstract:

LTApie mokinių mokymosi veiklos kokybę sprendžiama pagal jų pažangumą. Pažangumas atspindi programinės medžiagos suvokimą, mokėjimą taikyti įgytas žinias. Dažnai mokymosi problemų priežastimi būna ne moksleivių intelektualinių sugebėjimų stoka, o jų psichologiniai ypatumai. Taigi norint tinkamai padėti žemiau savo sugebėjimų besimokantiems moksleiviams pirmiausia reikia išanalizuoti jų psichologines savybes. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pažangumas; Moksleiviai; Savivertė; Mokymosi motyvacija; Mokyklinis nerimastingumas; Academic achievement; Primary school children; Self-esteem; Learning motivation; School anxiety.

ENArticle deals with problem of self-esteem, learning motivation and school anxiety in middle childhood. The aim of investigation was to compare self-esteem, learning motivation and school anxiety of primary school children with different level of academic achievement. Semantic Differential Type Scale for self-esteem (Beresnevičienė, 1995), Learning Motivation Scale (Zambacevičienė, Janulytė, 1998) and Test Anxiety Scale for children (Sarason Feld, Levis, by Augis, 1984) were used as evaluational tools. 681 children from third and forth grade (355 girls, 326 boys) were investigated by these methods. The results showed that children with low and average level of academic achievement have lower selfesteem by parameter "clever" (p = 0,009) in comparison with children with high level of academic achievement. There were found no statistically significant differences by other self-esteem paramètres between these three groups of children. Children with low level of academic achievement were less motivated for learning by social acceptance motive than children with high level of academic achievement and less motivated by inner motive than children with average level of academic achievement. Got data showed that children with low and average level of academic achievement experience more school anxiety in comparison with children with high level of academic achievement (p = 0,001). [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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2025-02-25 11:19:40
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