Lietuvių kalbos ir literatūros dalyko samprata : vidurinio ugdymo kaitos diskursas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių kalbos ir literatūros dalyko samprata: vidurinio ugdymo kaitos diskursas
Alternative Title:
Concept of Lithuanian language and literature: a discourse on development of secondary education
In the Journal:
Acta paedagogica Vilnensia. 2011, t. 27, p. 102-114
Kultūros paveldas / Cultural heritage; Pagrindinis ugdymas / Basic Secondary Education; Ugdymas / Education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama, kaip kito lietuvių kalbos ir literatūros kaip mokomojo dalyko samprata Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje 1993–2011 metais. Dėmesys ypač kreipiamas į vidurinį ugdymą, kurį apibrėžia dvi nacionalinės programos: Vidurinio ugdymo bendroji programa ir Brandos egzaminų programa. Kadangi privalomas lietuvių kalbos brandos egzaminas turi lemiamą grįžtamąjį ryšį ugdymo procesui 11–12 klasėje, analizuojamos egzamino užduotys. Pristatomi 2013 metų lietuvių kalbos ir literatūros brandos egzamino tikslai ir užduoties pobūdis. Išvadose pabrėžiama, kad literatūrinio ugdymo procese turi būti laikomasi tinkamos pusiausvyros, derinant teksto interpretaciją ir tradicinę literatūros istoriją, kuri užtikrina kultūros, literatūros paveldo perimamumą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vidurinis ugdymas; Bendrosios programos; Brandos egzaminas; Ugdymo kaita; Secondary education; General curriculum framework; Matura examination; Change in education.

ENThe article analyzes gradual change of the concept of Lithuanian Language and Literature as a school subject in general education from 1993 to 2011. It focuses on secondary education defined by General Curriculum Framework for secondary education and Examination Syllabus. The latter has been serving as a source of orientation for teachers of 11th – 12th forms. Since compulsory matura examination has a strong washback effect on the whole process of education, a detailed analysis of the examination tasks is presented. The principal proposition is that the tasks have been far from appropriate: the test on understanding a text is of low discriminating value, it distorts the natural process of reading, since the reader does not put forward personal hypotheses, as it happens in natural reading, but has to rely on the hypotheses suggested by the tester’s questions, therefore reading loses its authenticity; analysis and interpretation of a piece of fiction is not appropriate as an examination task because of its framework of assessment, which inevitably becomes a landmark of literary education and, while focusing student’s attention on a separate fragment, separates the student from authentic perception of a literary work, holds back the development of powerful thinking, fosters a fragmented noncommittal personality.The conclusion states that the matura examination of Lithuanian language and literature should be designed with the positive washback in view. The following aims of the 2013 examination on Lithuanian language and literature are presented: to assess students’ general literacy, i.e. the ability to write a cohesive argumentative text meeting the language requirements of accuracy; to assess students’ general abilities to solve problems, analyze, make interpretations and evaluations. Two genres suggested for matura examination are discussed: an essay for analysis of literary works chosen from the syllabus, and argumentative composition for discussing cultural and everyday life issues in an appropriate context and with the reference to at least one piece of literature. [From the publication]

1392-5016; 1648-665X
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