Prostitucija dabarties Lietuvoje : priežastys, paplitimas, teisinės bazės taikymo veiksmingumas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Prostitucija dabarties Lietuvoje: priežastys, paplitimas, teisinės bazės taikymo veiksmingumas
Alternative Title:
Prostitution in modern Lithuania: reasons, spread, effectiveness of application of legal basis
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamos prostitucijos atkūrus Lietuvos Nepriklausomybę (1990) plitimas, priežastys ir teisinės bazės priemonių veiksmingumas. Parodoma, kad prostitucijos plitimą lėmė tos pačios ekonominės, socialinės ir teisinės priežastys, kaip ir kitose pokomunistinėse šalyse. Lietuvoje, kaip ir kitose ES šalyse, vyrauja ekonominės prostitutės, kurių pagrindinis veiklos motyvas - noras užsidirbti, kad galėtų išspręsti savo materialines problemas. Dalis prostitučių dirba nelegaliuose viešnamiuose, kontroliuojamose nusikalstamų struktūrų, individualiai išsinuomotuose butuose, kita dalis - gatvėje. Dauguma dirbančių gatvėje prostitučių (80 proc.) vartoja alkoholį ir narkotikus. Nors Lietuvoje, atsižvelgiant į ES šalių patirtį, sukurta prostituciją reglamentuojanti teisinė bazė, numatanti administracinę ir baudžiamąją atsakomybę už vertimąsi prostitucija, tačiau jos veiksmingumas menkas. Atskleidžiamos to neveiksmingumo priežastys. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ekonomika; Prostitucija; Sekso verslas; Socialinė atskirtis; Švietimas; Žiniasklaida; Economic; Education; Mass media; Police; Prostitution; Sex business; Sex business,; Sex business, education; Social exclusion; Social security; Underground.

ENThe reasons of prostitution existence, its organization and spread, as well as the legal basis and the effectiveness of its application is discused in the article. There is shown that after the restoration of the Independence of Lithuania (on 11 March, 1990) the spread of prostitution was caused by the same reasons as in other post communist countries undergoing rapid transformations, which were the following: economic (complicated economic situation, the lack of work places and increasing unemployment, poverty, lack of social security), cultural valuable (depreciation of higher human values, general decline of society moral, speed of life and rationalisation of relations, spread of alcoholism and drugs), educational (low education level, insufficient information of youth, society and officers of law enforcement), negative role of mass media (advertising of prostitution, propagation of violence in mass media), commercial (prostitution is a profitable business, a voluntary provision of women's sexual services in order to make easy money), legal (imperfect laws regulating prostitution, legal barriers for victims). It is impossible to estimate the exact number of prostitutes working in Lithuania due to the features of that business, however, it is considered that the number may reach 6-8 thousand, about almost half of which work in Vilnius. Over half (about 60 per cent) work in the street.Prostitution is mostly spread in the cities (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda), where the living standards are higher and wider circle of potential clients - there are more rich foreigners looking for entertainment, which they are used to in their own country. In smaller towns the demand for prostitutes is less; their activity is limited because local people know each other very well. Even though the legal basis regulating the prostitution was established in Lithuania with regard to the experience of the EU countries, the effectiveness was low. Fines and punishments given to prostitutes without offering exact possibilities of alternative activity, prostitutes are not motivated to trust law enforcement institutions (police), hostility is increased, they are motivated to go underground and that way to become more dependent on criminal groups and pimps who get the majority of the profit. Supposedly, the profit from prostitution in Lithuania each year reaches 50 million litas. The largest sum of money goes to the structures that organize the prostitution business, and that enables them, if necessary, to "buy" the support of corrupted law enforcement officers. That, of course, aggravates the fight with that negative social phenomenon. One half of prostitutes work in illegal brothels which are controlled by criminal structures. The other half work in the street. [text from author]

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2017-02-10 14:17:26
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