Vaidybinės veiklos taikymo ypatumai jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymo procese

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaidybinės veiklos taikymo ypatumai jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymo procese
Alternative Title:
Peculiarities of applying acting activities in the educational process of junior school children
In the Book:
Meninis ugdymas: tyrimų tradicijos ir perspektyva / sudarytoja Rūta Girdzijauskienė. Klaipėda: Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 2011. P. 179-188
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje atskleidžiama vaidybinės veiklos samprata, aptariami vaidybinės veiklos metodų taikymo ypatumai jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdyme. Remiantis tyrimo – pradinių klasių pamokų stebėjimo, grupinės diskusijos su pradinių klasių mokytojais – analizės rezultatais, aptariamas vaidybinės veiklos taikymas skirtingų mokomųjų dalykų pamokose. Tyrimas atliktas skirtingose Klaipėdos miesto ugdymo įstaigose. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Jaunesniojo amžiaus vaikai; Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikai; Vaidybinė veikla; Vaidybinės veiklos metodai; Acting activities; Acting activity; Junior school children; Methods of acting activity.

ENSummarizing the results of the study, we may state that scientists have not provided a unanimous definition of acting activity so far. Theatre, drama and acting activities are understood as an overall internal and external process, when creative imagination and thinking are transferred to actions and embodied in games, improvisations, roles and theatre. Acting activities in lessons are various games, role play, improvisation, dramatization, play dialogue with puppets and teacher's acting. Such activity is not meant for audience; it is a form of art that is directly related with the educational process. Observation of lessons helped to reveal that the most frequent acting activity methods are reading dialogues in roles, role play and acting games, dramatization of short scenes. Psycho dramatization, dramatization, plastic games and teacher's acting were the methods that were used very rarely in the classroom. Most frequently and more diverse acting methods are used in lessons of Lithuanian, world learning and ethics. They are used very rarely in lessons of mathematics, art and technologies. It was determined during the study that acting methods are most usually used in 2 and 3 classes. According to the results of observation of lessons, it can be stated that primary school teachers apply acting activity methods in teaching process insufficiently Teacher's acting activity is used more often in lessons of Lithuanian, world learning and ethics: fiction texts are read artistically, poems are recited and teachers become involved in games.Acting activities are more rarely used in lessons of mathematics, art and technologies and physical training. The results of the study lead to an assumption that teacher's acting is unusual during the lessons. It became clear from the discussions with primary school teachers that none of them has any doubts about the efficiency of acting activity methods, but the teachers are used to thinking that acting abilities are necessary for organizing acting activities; acting activities usually disrupt the normal procedure of the lessons and are hard to control; besides, it takes a lot of time to prepare for such activities. It was also determined that teachers understand acting as memorizing the text and exact reproduction of it. Teachers usually identify acting activity in the lesson with a performance, i.e. a show for the audience. Teachers specified lack of time during the lesson, complicated curriculum and lack of methodological literature and training on application of acting activities in educational process to be the main reasons for avoidance of acting activities in lessons. [From the publication]

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2017-02-02 16:36:55
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