Trimatis akmuo (akmuo - aš - atmintis) lietuvių poezijoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Trimatis akmuo (akmuo - aš - atmintis) lietuvių poezijoje
Alternative Title:
Three-dimensional stone (stone - me - memory) in Lithuanian poetry
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2011, Nr. 2, p. 173-187
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama akmens interpretacija šiuolaikinėje lietuvių poezijoje, jo susiejimas su įvardžio aš linksniais (manęs, man ir t. t.) ir atmintimi. Poezija suformuoja kvazimorfemą men- / min-, kurios priebalsiai m, n yra alfabeto vidurio raidės. Eilėraščiuose pasitaiko užmaskuotas žodžio akmuo vertimas į kitą kalbą, „paslėptas“ lietuvių kalbos žodyje (akmuo – камень – kamanė). Tekstai apie akmenį atskleidžia, kaip poezija sukuria sui generis lingvistiką. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Poezijos kalba; Poetinė lingvistika; Akmuo poezijoje; Poetry language; Poetic linguistics; Stone in poetry.

ENThe article analyses the interpretation of stone in the works of four Lithuanian poets. Texts referring to stone exhibit a three-dimensional comparison system: stone – me – memory. The word stone belongs to the consonantal declension stem and in poetry is perceived as a morphologically marked form, so the stanza of the poem is tried to be formed of the nouns belonging to the same stem (akmuo ‘stone’ : ašmuo ‘blade’: ruduo ‘autumn’ : vanduo ‘water’: tešmuo ‘dug’). Actualization of the semantic field of stone expands the space of linguistic poetry; stone is associated with the author’s me: the word stone (sometimes its historical doublet blade) is related to the suppletive pronoun’s aš ‘I’ cases (manęs ‘me’, man ‘to me’, etc.) and the theme of memory. It could be concluded that stone in poetry activates pragmatic (speech and speaker’s) relations. Stone is related to the parts of human body (head, legs, arms), sleeping, pillow; the theme of turning into stone is interpreted in various aspects. One of the most important features of stone is its mobility, resemblance to water (depth). It was Ferdinand de Saussure who noticed that behind the visible or explicit text there is an implicit one. The essence of the texts about stone is the existence of such ‘double’ texts. The article shows how the explicit text can hide not only the etymological explanation, but also words of other languages hidden in the parts of Lithuanian words: in the texts we can find overstepping the linguistic line and a hidden translation: akmuo : камень. In the poetic texts about stone under consideration, we can see the most important poet’s aim – to name the world so that scientific knowledge would be supplemented with artistic knowledge and sui generis linguistics. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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2018-12-17 13:03:19
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