Mokymo metodai ir jų panauda šiuolaikinėmis sąlygomis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokymo metodai ir jų panauda šiuolaikinėmis sąlygomis
Alternative Title:
Teaching methods and their use in cotemporary conditions
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2002, 57, p. 96-106
Summary / Abstract:

LTMokinių ugdymo sėkmė mokymo procese priklauso nuo daugelio dalykų: mokymo turinio, mokymo proceso organizavimo, mokinių veiklos pobūdžio, mokytojo ir mokinių sąveikos, bet bene svarbiausi šiame procese yra mokymo metodai. Jų pasirinkimą labiausiai veikia bendrosios švietimo kaitos tendencijos ir vyraujančios ugdymo sampratos. Taip pat akivaizdus ugdymo tikslų, ugdymo turinio kaitos vaidmuo modeliuojant metodų pasirinkimą. Todėl ypač teigiamai vertintini ugdymo metodai, atitinkantys moderniosios didaktikos tendencijas, orientuoti į savarankišką, kūrybišką mokinių veiklą, mokytojo ir mokinių bendradarbiavimą. Mokymo metodų taikymas bus sėkmingas, jeigu pedagogas aiškiai supras šiandienos ugdymo tikslus, išmanys kiekvieno metodo specifiką, teigiamus ir neigiamus jo bruožus; bus įvaldęs įvairius metodus, sies ugdymo turinį bei tikslus ir lanksčiai bei kūrybiškai modeliuos savo veiklos būdus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mokymo metodai; Šiuolaikinės sąlygos; Panauda; Teaching method; Contemporary conditions; Use.

ENThe aim of the article is explicating the concept of a teaching method, their classification, and the problems of their use at a comprehensive secondary school. The object of the research is methods of teaching in contemporary conditions. In this article, on the basis of science literature and the results of the research, the author states that the choice of education methods is determined by tendencies of changes in the system of education and dominating concepts of education. That's why of special value are the methods of education that correspond to tendencies of modern didactic and are oriented towards independent and creative activities of schoolchildren and cooperation of teachers and schoolchildren. The content of education initiates changes of the choice of methods and their application: interpretational, but not reproductive, pedagogy dominates. Only the interpretational way of thinking helps to understand and stimulates to choose methods of active learning that help schoolchildren to better master the material, stimulate their creativity and the wish to learn more, as well as develop schoolchildren's critical thinking and application of new information both in usual and new conditions. Teaching methods are diverse, each of them has its own specific structure that changes in the teaching process depending on the teaching materials, the relations of teachers and schoolchildren, visual teaching aids, etc., that's why scientifically objective classification basis has not been established, and teaching methods have not been grouped yet. The teaching process requires different methods of teaching.Combination of different teaching methods helps to retain concentrated attention of schoolchildren, stimulates their interest, prevents boredom, influences learning and motivation, therefore contributes to the memorisation of information, involves all the schoolchildren to active and conscious process of learning. On the other hand, only independent, creative, communicative teachers capable of critical thinking and open to criticism, knowledgeable of modern information technologies, can organise the teaching process in a competent way. One of the main conditions in organising the teaching process is stimulation of children's activeness and independence and their education by application of different teaching methods. Success of children's education depends on the contents of education, the organisation of the teaching process, the type of activities of schoolchildren, the interrelationship of the teacher and the schoolchildren in the teaching process. Teaching methods applied by a teacher will only be effective if the teacher understands the aims of modern education, knows his subject very well, understands the peculiarities of the schoolchildren of respective age, knows the specificity of each teaching method, its advantages and disadvantages, its possibilities for the development of a personality. That's why it is of utmost importance for a teacher to be a good professional, to know cognitive and humanist psychology, to be capable of conceptual thinking and perceiving the change of reality, its tendencies, of understanding the relations of facts and phenomena, of relating the content of teaching to its aims, and of flexible and creative modelling of his activities. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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