Lithuanian folk pottery : inside and out

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Anglų kalba / English
Lithuanian folk pottery: inside and out
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Amatų gildija : 2011.
379 p
Foreword — Acknowledgments — Introduction — Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Lithuanian Folk Pottery in Context: A Theoretical Work — Evolution of Ceramics in the Prehistoric Era: The Neolithic; The Iron Age; Decline in the First Millennium — Evolution of Ceramics in the Historic Era: A Brief History of the Lithuanian State; Technological Advancement, Europeanization, and the Class and Cultural Stratification of Ceramics in the Lithuanian State; A Brief Excursion to the Lithuanian Countryside — Conflux Under the Tsar: Another Delve Into Lithuanian History; A Folk Pottery Renaissance — A Definition — The Shape of Lithuanian Folk Pottery: A Discussion of Forms — Pots for Preparing Food: Boiling Pots; Frying Pans and Baking Dishes; Dishes; Mortars / Seed-Grinders; Jars for Separating Milk — Pots for Storage: Milk Storage Jars; Storage Jars; Bottles and Jugs — Serving Dishes: Pitchers; Bowls; Cups; Lauknešėliai — Products for the Interior: Flowerpots; Flower Vases; Candlesticks; Toys — Pots with Special Functions — Ornamentation and Symbolism in Lithuanian Folk Pottery — Introduction to Ornamentation and Symbolism — Divisions and Oppositions — Numerological Values in the Ornamentation of Lithuanian Folk Pottery — Representational Symbols — Three Fundamental Groups: Earth Symbols; Sky Symbols; Water Symbols; Better Understanding the Undulating Line — Combinations and Subdivisions: Flowers; The Male Element in Flower Symbolism; The Sun-Path Symbol; The Female Element in Flower Symbolism; The World-Tree; The Cuckoo; The Cock; The Horse, Goat, and Ram; The Duck; The Snake — Technology, Process, and Environment: Technology, Process, and Environment; Clay; Turn-Wheels; Pottery Wheels; Ornamenting and Glazing; Kilns: Design, Loading, and Firing; Environment — Conclusion — About the Text — Spruce, Queen of the Grass Snakes — Notes on Citations — Notes on Image Data — Bibliography.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKnygoje įvairiapusiškai aptariami tradicinės lietuvių liaudies keramikos bruožai. Pirmoje darbo dalyje analizuojamas ir pristatomas specifinės tradicinės XIX -XX a. lietuvių keramikos susiformavimo kontekstas: apibūdinama keramikos evoliucija priešistoriniais (pradedant nuo neolito epochos) ir skirtingais istoriniais laikais. Pastebima, kad lietuvių tradicinė keramika yra patyrusi įvairias skirtingų kultūrų įtakas, atitikmenų jai galima rasti kaimyninių kraštų tradicinėje keramikoje. Antra darbo dalis skirta įvairioms tradicinėms lietuvių liaudies keramikos formoms, jų regioninėms variacijoms aptarti. Kalbama apie keramikos dirbinių taikymą kasdienėje buityje. Atskirai apibūdinami maisto ruošimo, laikymo ir serviravimo indai, interjero keramikos dirbiniai (gėlių vazonai, vazos, žvakidės, žaislai). Trečia darbo dalis skirta lietuvių liaudies keramikos ornamentams ir jų simbolizmui nagrinėti, specifinėms simbolių kombinacijoms analizuoti. Atskirai aptariami būdingiausi žemės, dangaus, vandens ir kiti keramikai būdingi simboliai, jie analizuojami bendrame kultūriniame kontekste. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į gėlių motyvų simboliką, pasaulio medžio, vaizduojamų gyvūnų ir kt. simbolizmo apraiškas tradicinėje keramikoje. Daroma išvada, kad tradicinės lietuvių keramikos simboliai suprastini kaip nulemti specifinio kultūrinio žodyno, drauge ir archetipiškai universalūs. Ketvirtoje knygos dalyje dėmesys koncentruojamas į tradicinės lietuvių liaudies keramikos gamybos technologiją, gamybos priemones, patį gamybos procesą ir jo aplinką.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Geležies amžius; Keramika; Keramikos formos; Keramikos gamybos technologijos; Lietuvių keramika; Lietuvių liaudies puodininkystė; Neolitas; Ornamentai; Ceramics; Forms of pottery; Iron age; Lithuanian folk pottery; Lthuanian folk potery; Neolithic; Ornamentation; Technologies of production of pottery.

ENThe book provides an extensive review of traditional Lithuanian folk ceramics. The first part of the paper analyses and presents context of formation of specific traditional ceramics in Lithuania in the 19 to 20th century: it characterises evolution of ceramics in both prehistoric (starting with the Neolithic Era) and various historic times. It observes that the Lithuanian traditional ceramics was affected by various and different cultures, with corresponding equivalents to be found in traditional ceramics of neighbouring countries. The second part of a paper is dedicated to various traditional forms of Lithuanian folk ceramics and their regional varieties. It refers to application of ceramic items in daily household. It then concerns specific dishes for catering, keeping and serving, ceramic items found in interior (flower pots, vases, candlesticks and toys). The third part of a paper concerns the ornaments and symbols behind Lithuanian folk ceramics, as well as specific combinations of symbols. The paper specifically discusses most common symbols of earth, heaven, water, etc. found in ceramics; these are analysed in general cultural context. The paper notes symbols of flower motives, expression of the tree of the world, animals displayed, etc. in traditional ceramics. It concludes that traditional symbols in Lithuanian ceramics shall be interpreted as determined by specific cultural glossary, as well as being archetypically universal. The fourth part of a book focusses on production technology, production means, production process and the environment of traditional Lithuanian folk ceramics.

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