Šališkumo problematika nacionaliniuose dienraščiuose 2004 m. Lietuvos Prezidento rinkimų kampanijos metu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šališkumo problematika nacionaliniuose dienraščiuose 2004 m. Lietuvos Prezidento rinkimų kampanijos metu
Alternative Title:
Problem of bias in Lithuanian presidential campaign 2004 coverage by national dailies
In the Journal:
Žurnalistikos tyrimai. 2008, Nr. 1, p. 5-24
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apžvelgiama šališkumo problematika nacionaliniuose dienraščiuose 2004 m. Lietuvos Prezidento rinkimų kampanijos metu kiekybiniu ir kokybiniu spausdintos informacijos apie kandidatus aspektu. Nagrinėjamas kiekvieno nacionalinio dienraščio pateiktos informacijos apie kandidatus kryptingumas, apžvelgiama informacijos balanso tarp kandidatų dinamika. Aptariami koreliacijos tarp palankios ir neutralios bei nepalankios informacijos kiekio ir kandidatų reklamos, užsakomųjų straipsnių kiekio statistinio reikšmingumo duomenys. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nacionalinis dienraštis; Pranešimų pusiausvyra; Prezidento rinkimai; Statistinis reikšmingumas; Šališkumas; Žiniasklaidos šališkumas, Prezidento rinkimai, nacionaliniai dienraščiai, vertinimų kryptingumas, balansas; Balanced reporting; Bias; Bias of media, presidential elections, national dailies, evaluative position, balanced reporting; National daily; Presidential elections; Statistical significance.

ENQuestions concerning the bias of media content and the role it plays in the political process are important when discussing aspects of information quality and quantity. Bias by definition means that media content is deliberately as opposed to accidentally skewed. Media bias is intentional. There is little reason to describe one article per se as biased as a single report may be unbalanced or inaccurate. By its nature, bias is persistent over a period of time. The term, persistent, is intended to applied to longer periods of time (i.e. weeks, month, years, etc.) A bias can change because bias is in principle teleological (i.e. if the goals of a given media entity change, so may its bias). This article analyzes bias in national daily newspapers as they covered the Lithuanian presidential campaign in 2004. It assumes that unbiased reporting constitutes balanced reporting. The article presents research data where the amount of text and visual information are both measured. This information was published in every national daily newspaper during the election campaign and is specifically concerned with candidates. The information is evaluated in the article as whether its content was favorable, neutral or unfavorable to the campaign of a given candidate. The quantity of each candidate’s advertising in newspapers during the campaign period is also measured. Results in the research show the level of bias in national daily newspapers during the presidential campaign and correlations between the amount of any given candidate’s advertising and the degree of favorable, neutral and unfavorable information concerning that given candidate. In some cases of national daily newspapers Pearson correlations are statistically significant. [From the publication]

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