LTStraipsnyje atskleidžiamos ankstyvojo vaikų muzikinio ugdymo, kaip pedagoginio reiškinio, sociokultūrinės ir pedocentristinės dimensijos. Interpretuojamos dvi ugdymo kaitą įprasminančios pedocentristinės paradigmos: tradicinė ir modernioji. Atskleidžiama jų esmė ir pedagoginių rekonstrukcijų pobūdis ankstyvojo muzikinio ugdymo metu. Interpretuojamos tos pedocentristinės teorijos, kurių idėjos yra reikšmingos pedagogų požiūrių į ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaiką kaip į aktyvų muzikinio pasaulio dalyvį ir kūrėją kaitai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ankstyvasis muzikinis ugdymas; Pedocentrizmas; Pedagoginės rekonstrukcijos; Early music education; Pedocentrism; Educational reconstruction.
ENIn the article children's early musical education as a new pedagogical phenomenon m socioculturel, pcdocentrist dimensions is revealed. Two paradigms — traditional and modern — that give sense to pedocentrist education shift are interpreted. Their essence and the nature of pedagogical reconstructions m children's early musical education are revealed. Various pedocentric theories, which are importait changing the attitude of pedagogues towards a pre-school child as an active musical world participant and creator, are interpreted. The paradigm of pedocentrist traditionalism in Western Europe was considerably important in the 20th century and propagated orientating musical education towards a child's nature. Scientists based the possibilities of such education on a child's capabilities to react to the expression of musical sounds and rhythm already in infancy. Based on this new pedagogical reconstructions were suggested, which are important to early musical education shift — musical education is important to children and its pedagogical essence consists of attitudes towards a child's world, objectives, sociocognitive, emotional expression, as a foundation for musical education. The representatives of the concept "music is the value of education" highlighted sociocogmtive, cultural dimensions of early musical education, which in their essence are social and important for strengthening the status of a child as a member of a group and community. Psychotherapeutic possibilities of early musical education eliminating stress, tension are also substantiated. Radical principles of pedagogical pluralism, which are realized when a child naturally interacts with the musical world in everyday environment, are suggested on these grounds. [From the publication]