Tradicinių amatininkų mokymo ir meistriškumo kėlimo realijos bei perspektyvos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tradicinių amatininkų mokymo ir meistriškumo kėlimo realijos bei perspektyvos
Alternative Title:
Realities and prospects of traditional artisans education and skills training
In the Journal:
Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos. 2010, Nr. 3 (19), d. 2, p. 49-58
Summary / Abstract:

LTTradicinis amatas - individuali ar kolektyvinė veikla, pagrįsta iš kartos į kartąperduodama patirtimi ir specialiais įgūdžiais, skirta tautinio paveldo produktų nuolatiniam sukūrimui ir realizavimui. Tradiciniams amatams priskiriamas tradicinių gaminių gaminimas, tradicinių veislių augalų ir gyvūnų veisimas bei auginimas, jų produktų gavyba, gamtos gėrybių rinkimas ir perdirbimas, tradicinių paslaugų teikimas. Tradiciniai amatai yra viena iš žemės ūkiui alternatyvių veiklos rūšių ir gali duoti nemenką ekonominę bei socialinę naudą, kadngi ši veikla yra naujų darbo vietų ir pajamų šaltinis. Taip pat tradicinių amatų gaminių gamyba įgalina išsaugoti ir etninės kultūros vertybes. Norint juos plėtoti, būtinas tradicinių amatininkų mokymas ir meistriškumo kėlimas. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos tradicinių amatininkų mokymo ir meistriškumo kėlimo realijos bei perspektyvos Lietuvoje tradicinių amatų plėtros požiūriu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Amatininkai; Meistriškumo kėlimas; Mokymas; Mokymo programos; Nacionalinio paveldo produktai; Tradiciniai amatai; Artisans; Education; Educational activity; Learning programs; National heritage products; Skills training; Special skills; Traditional arts.

EN[…] The task of this paper – to analyze the realities and prospects of traditional artisans education and skills training in Lithuania in the context of traditional arts development, what makes it's relevance and novelty, because till now the largest attention in the management literature was devoted to the main features, influencing the development of traditional arts. Paper provides the answers to such problematic questions as what are the realities of traditional artisans training, how traditional artisans training and educational development is conceptualized in the Lithuanian legal acts and what are the main opportunities and prospects of traditional artisans education. Research covered these scientific methods: the analysis of legal acts and documents in the context of traditional artisans formal and informal educational system; the analysis of scientific literature, which covers the best practice of traditional artisans training in Lithuania and foreign countries; comparison method was used aiming to compare traditional artisans training and educational systems between different countries; experts evaluation method was used to identify how they see the main problems of traditional artisans training as: traditional artisans activities are related to the lack of management, marketing knowledge and skills, insufficient business qualification, weak partnership and cooperation with other sectors, insufficient formal and informal training at Lithuanian higher educational institutions, unclear financial issues of educational programmes and similar (12 respondents); questionaire was used aiming to get to know about the traditional artisans opinion on the preparation of traditional artisans training system (70 respondents). [From the publication]Research covered three stages: 1. I stage – analysis of legal acts, documents and scientific literature (September-December, 2009). 2. II stage – experts method, covering interview of 18 experts (September-November, 2009). 3. III stage – questionaire method, covering interview of 70 traditional artisans and traditional services suppliers. […] It was identified that traditional arts in Lithuania grow and that their development reduces social and economical differences between town and village, improving local residents life quality and so on. Traditional arts production and usage process is integrated, which unites cultural, economical, environmental and educational processes and functions. It was also identified that aiming to integrate traditional artisans training into formal education, there is a need to search for the ways how to integrate the educational programmes for traditional artisans into professional schools and educational institutions. Also the legal base needs to be improved, covering formal and informal education. Much attention has to be paid to the main Lithuanian cultural spheres; there should be also provided the opportunities for traditional artisans to participate in the preparation of educational system and training programmes, which have to be orientated to the peculiarities of traditional culture, covering the differences of regions. Thus only after the implementation of traditional artisans and traditional services suppliers educational and training system, optimal organizational, financial and informational conditions for current and potential traditional artisans can be made. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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