Lietuvos savivaldos institucijų personalo tyrimas : atitiktis strateginiams reikalavimams plėtojant žemės ūkį ir jam alternatyvią veiką

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos savivaldos institucijų personalo tyrimas: atitiktis strateginiams reikalavimams plėtojant žemės ūkį ir jam alternatyvią veiką
Alternative Title:
Analysis of Lithuanian local governments' personnel: compliance with strategic requirements in developing agriculture and alternative activities
In the Journal:
Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos. 2010, Nr. 3 (19), d. 1, p. 155-163
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikta personalo strateginio valdymo samprata, išanalizuoti personalo strateginio valdymo modeliai. Atliktas Lietuvos savivaldos institucijų personalo atitikties strateginiams reikalavimams tyrimas. Tyrimas aprėpia dvi savivaldybių veiklos sritis: l) žemės ūkio produktų gamybos konkursingumo didinimą, 2) žemės ūkiui alternatyvios veiklos plėtojimą. Pagal šias sritis straipsnyje yra identifikuoti pagrindiniai su personalu susiję svarbiausi strategijos įgyvendinimo veiksniai, kuriems vertinti pasirinkti keturi vertinimo kriterijai: užduočių suvokimas, jų įvykdymo greitis, įgūdžiai ir atsakomybė. Nustatyta, kad Lietuvos savivaldos institucijų personalas silpnai suvokia žemės ūkio subjektų kooperacijos esmę. Ekologinis ūkininkavimas kaimo vietovėse, žemės ūkio produkcijos gamyba (ne maistui),tradicinių kaimo amatų išsaugojimas, o taip pat kaimo alternatyvios energetikos plėtros programų rengimas vyksta vangiai, nes tam trūksta įgūdžių. Geriausia savivaldos institucijų personalas atitinka strateginius reikalavimus skatinant turizmo ir poilsio paslaugų plėtrą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Personalas; Planavimas; Strategija; Valdymas; Žmogiškieji ištekliai; Human resources; Management; Personnel; Planning; Strategy; Strategy management.

ENThe article presents the concept of personnel strategic management, analyzes the models of personnel strategy design, and performs an analysis of Lithuanian local governments' compliance with strategic requirements in development of agriculture and alternative activities. The analysis covers two local government activity areas: 1) improvement of agricultural production competitiveness, and 2) development of the alternative to agriculture activities. The paper identifies major personnel strategy implementation factors, which are evaluated according to four criteria: understanding of the task, implementation speed, skills, and responsibility. The article recommends setting the criteria for evaluating the success factors of human resource strategy implementation, because every strategic goal can have different success factors and different evaluation scale. The development of strategic requirements for organisation personnel and evaluation of organisation compliance with strategic requirements also have to be related to the criteria. It is suggested that the development of human resource management strategy would include setting of strategic goals for staff, evaluation of the importance of every human resource management function for the achievement of the strategic goals, selection of the implementation methods for each important human resource management function, investigation of the investment needs, and development of need packets' according to the investment efficiency and the strategic importance of human resource management functions.When developing human resource policy, the paper recommends designing systems for evaluation of organisation internal factors and external environment future trends, which help to determine quantitative and qualitative personnel needs. It is suggested to establish organisational values, which will be given priority in the future, and the methods for evaluating value parameters. It is recommended to design the system of individual and organisational goal matching. Local government personnel do not understand well the concept of agricultural subject cooperation and benefit of the partnership, because the distrust among producers still exists. The development of ecological agriculture is promoted slowly because of the lack of skills. Local government personnel best comply with the strategic requirements in increasing agricultural production competitiveness according to responsibility criteria. Local government personnel best comply with the strategic requirements in promotion of tourism and recreation service development according to all criteria. This means that local governments are properly implementing tourism policy in increasing attractiveness of tourism and utilising current recreational, cultural, and touristic resources for the preservation of regional individuality. The design of the programs of agricultural non-food production development is slower. There is a lack of skills. Only some producers engage in non-traditional production. […]. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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