Moterų įvardijimas XVIII amžiaus pradžioje : Telšių bažnyčios krikšto metrikų studija

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Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Moterų įvardijimas XVIII amžiaus pradžioje: Telšių bažnyčios krikšto metrikų studija
Alternative Title:
Women's naming in Telsiai parish in the first dacades of the 18th century
In the Journal:
Respectus philologicus. 2011, Nr. 19 (24), p. 158-167
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami iš Telšių parapijos XVIII a. pr. krikšto knygos išrinkti 2967 moterų įvardijimai: 472 krikštijamųjų mergaičių įvardijimai, 996 motinų įvardijimai, 985 krikštamočių ir 514 kitų apeigose dalyvavusių moterų įvardijimai. Surinkti moterų įvardijimai suskirstyti pagal įvardijimo struktūrą: moterų įvardijimas vienu asmenvardžiu; moterų įvardijimas dviem asmenvardžiais ir moterų įvardijimas trimis asmenvardžiais. Moterų vardai, išrinkti iš šaltinio, taip pat buvo išsamiai tirti pagal kilmę. Nustatyta, kad visi nagrinėtame šaltinyje rasti vardai yra krikščioniškieji (hebrajiškos, graikiškos, lotyniškos ir germaniškos kilmės). Šaltinyje užfiksuoti vardai taip pat buvo aptarti pagal jų variantiškumą ir dažnumą. 27 vardai (56,3% visų vardų) turi kelis variantus, atsiradusius dėl nesuvienodintos rašybos. Daugiausia variantų (13) turi vardas Jadvyga. Šaltinyje rasti 48 skirtingi moterų vardai. Populiariausi moterų vardai, užfiksuoti XVIII a pr. krikšto knygoje, yra: Anna, Elizabetha, Catharina, Justina, Magdalena. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Asmenvardis; Asmenvardžiai (antroponimai); Bažnyčios; Filologija; Istorija; Istorija (XVIII a.); Kalba, lietuvių; Knygos, bažnytinės; Krikštas; Lingvistika; Metrikos (registr. knygos); Mokslai, humanitariniai; Moterys; Onomastika; Telšiai; Vardai; Vardai, tikriniai (onimai); Vardas; Įvardijimas; Baptism; Books, ecclesiastical; Churchies; First name; History; History (XVIII c.); Language, lithuanian; Linguistics; Lithuania; Metrics (Registry Books); Names; Names personal; Names, proper; Naming; Onomastics; Personal name; Philology; Science, humanitarian; Telsiai; Women.

ENThe novelty of this study mostly depends on the source which is the 18th Century Telsiai Parish Baptism Registry Book. On the first page of the Parish Baptism Registry Book there is a record in Latin: Metrica Baptorum in Ecclesia chiali Telsensi Conotata ab Anno bi incarnate 1700 (The baptism register of Telsiai Parish church has been written since 1700 A.D.). The baptism book is worn out and therefore, a significant number of the registers are hardly decipherable often chaotically desultory (e.g. in a number of the records information about baptized person or other members of the ceremony is missing). However, the inscriptions follow a particular order applied in this document. In most cases the order is following: baby's naming, parents' naming, godparents' naming and naming of other ceremony members of christening. The purpose of the current research is to collect and analyze all women's namings from the source including namings of baptized girls, their mothers, godmothers ant other women who attended christening ceremony. The object of the study is women's namings and anthroponyms collected from the 18th Century Telsiai Parish Baptism Registry Book.This study attempts, firstly, to collect analyzed women's namings according to their structure; secondly, to classify women's first names according to their origin, frequency, phonetic, graphic versions caused by orthographic peculiarities of that time. The analysis involves 2967 women's namings collected from the Telsiai Parish Baptism Registry Book. 2974 first names were collected. The most popular type of women namings include two anthroponyms otherwise called binomial naming (60.9% of all women's namings). Monomial naming (38.9%) was less frequent, while women's naming in three anthroponyms (trinomial naming) is very rare (0.3%). In the source 2950 women's monomial, binomial and trinomial namings were registered including first names. Only Christian names were used, and the most popular women's names according to their origin were Greek names (14), Hebrew names (8), and Germanic names (4). Only 48 original first names were found. The most popular women's first names in the source are the following: Anna, Elizabetha, Catharina, Justina, and Magdalena. The registry book contains 27 women's first names in one or more phonetic, graphic or other variants. [From the publication]

1392-8295; 2335-2388
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