Sapiegų rūmai Vilniuje: raida ir interjero puošyba

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sapiegų rūmai Vilniuje: raida ir interjero puošyba
Alternative Title:
Sapieha estate in Vilnius: development and the decor of its interior
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2010, t. 57, p. 215-236. Meninis Vilnius: įtakos ir įvaizdžiai
Summary / Abstract:

LTRemiantis ankstesnių publikacijų, taip pat rašytinių šaltinių ir natūros tyrimų duomenimis straipsnyje nagrinėjami Sapiegų rūmai, XVII a. pabaigoje pastatyti Vilniaus Antakalnio priemiestyje. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama rūmų architektūros (planinės ir erdvinės struktūros, patalpų funkcijų) bei įrangos aptarimui. Taip pat siekiama išsiaiškinti visuomeninę-idėjinę šių rūmų reikšmę, kurią iš dalies atskleisti padeda išlikę arba šaltiniuose minimi viso ansamblio pastatų puošybos elementai, platesnį kultūrinį epochos kontekstą, numanomas rūmų statytojo Kazimiero Jono Sapiegos intencijas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vilnius; Antakalnis; Sapiegų rūmai; Baroko architektūra; Vilnius; Antakalnis; Sapieha estate; Baroque architecture.

ENThe article examines the Sapieha estate, built in Antakalnis, a suburb of Vilnius, in the late 17th century, and provides reference to the data of earlier publications, written sources and life research. Attention is mostly paid to the discussion of the estate's architecture (planned and spatial structures and the building's functions) and its furnishing. As the interior of the estate has not survived, this analysis could be attempted only by referring to the data of the written sources, first of all - inventories. The reliability of these sources was confirmed by the data from life research (with reference to inventories Evaldas Purlys carried out in his investigation of the architecture and analysis of the palace's plans). The artistic and ideological whole of the palace and its interior is discussed in the general context of the cultural life of the epoch and the activity of the Sapieha family. Attempts to highlight the historical and artistic value of the object under discussion and to estimate the damage caused to the building as a result of later reconstructions are made. Life research revealed that this estate was built as a new type of suburban residence, although it rose from the remains of an older stone building. The architecture of the estate reflects the older tendency of late baroque architecture that spread in the residences of magnates in the late 17th century. The iconographic program of the palace encompasses such interlacing subjects as war and peace, the venerable nature of the Sapieha family and their descent from the Romans, as well as their heroic marches and merits they gained through creating the welfare of this country. A further subject of the decor of this palace is related more to the conception of the palace as a place for leisure and entertainment (which can be mostly felt in the open gallery and the park territory).The ideological program of the building is closely linked to the personality of Kazimierz Jan Sapieha and the unique situation which emerged once he had practically become the ruler of Lithuania: when the plans for his ascension to the throne of the ruler of the Republic of the Two Nations came to be considered possible. Throughout the 18th century the estate remained in the hands of the Sapieha family. Its environment was preserved and well attended with only small changes carried out that did not detract from the initial decor of the palace. [From the publication]

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