Švč. mergelės Marijos snieginės su adorantais paveikslas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Švč. mergelės Marijos snieginės su adorantais paveikslas
Alternative Title:
Painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the snows with adorants
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2010, t. 57, p. 21-41. Meninis Vilnius: įtakos ir įvaizdžiai
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomas Vilniaus Šv. Teresės bažnyčios Švč. Mergelės Marijos su Kūdikiu paveikslas, parodant jo 2009 m. restauravimo metu įvykusius ikonografinius ir kompozicinius pokyčius ir iš jų „išplaukiančius“ jo pobūdžio, paskirties ir istorinės kilmės klausimus. Konstatuojama, jog paveiksle pavaizduota Švč. Mergelė Marija Snieginė su adorantais. Remiantis Švč. Mergelės Marijos Snieginės kulto kontekstu, ikonografinėmis analogijomis ir tapybos cheminių tyrimų duomenimis keliama prielaida, kad paveikslas buvo sukurtas XVII a. antrajame–trečiajame ketvirtyje jėzuitų aplinkoje, o po 1760 m. gaisro rekonstruojant Vilniaus Šv. Teresės bažnyčią atiteko naujai pastatytam Švč. Mergelės Marijos Škaplierinės altoriui. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Švč. Mergelės Marijos su Kūdikiu; Švč. Mergelė Marija Snieginė; Santa Maria Maggiore kultas; Vilniaus bažnytinis paveldas; Blessed Virgin Mary and Child; Blessed Virgin Mary of the Snows; Cult of Santa Maria Maggiore; Vilnius Church heritage.

ENThe painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Child (143×96,5), executed with oil on canvas by an unknown artist, and in the collection of Vilnius Church of St. Theresa, was restored in the Crafts Centre of the Vilnius Archdiocese in 2009. After the removal of the casing and the fabric which covered the background, along with a layer of excess dirt, the details of the two figures, which had not been recorded in any earlier documents, were revealed. The albeit partial “return” of these figures to pictorial reality has encouraged specialists to take a closer look at this almost unexplored image and its iconographical structure, which has been altered due to these fresh discoveries. This image bears an adorative-votive nature. It depicts the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Snows (Santa Maria Maggiore) with her adorants. Making reference to the context of the cult of the Roman Blessed Virgin Mary of the Snows and its iconographical analogies, the theory is presented that it was St. Ignatius of Loyola (on the left with a nimbus) and either St. Aloysius Gonzaga or the Bishop of Vilnius Alexander Sapieha who were depicted next to the Mother of God. The iconography of the image and the findings of the chemical studies conducted on the painting enable us to maintain that the image was created in the Jesuit environment during the 2nd and 3rd quarter of the 17th century. During the reconstruction of the Church of St. Theresa after the 1760 fire, the painting was placed in the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Scapular. In an attempt to adjust the image for the new altar the painting was cut at both sides and at the bottom and the side figures were painted over. Moreover, the clothes of Mary and the Child were covered with a casing, whose design included a wrought scapular, the attribute of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Scapular venerated by the Carmelites.The image most probably was painted by a local proffesional painter in Vilnius. The authorship of Johan Schroetter is possible, although proving this would necesitate a more thourough comparative analysis of both the style and chemical studies of the pigments of the works attributed to this author. [From the publication]

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