Tapatumo raiška sporto aistruolių kelionėse

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tapatumo raiška sporto aistruolių kelionėse
Alternative Title:
Manifestation of identity in sport fans' journeys
In the Journal:
Filosofija. Sociologija [Philosophy. Sociology]. 2011, t. 22, Nr. 2, p. 214-225
Kultūrinis identitetas / Cultural identitity; Sportas / Sport.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama sporto aistruolių asmeninio ir socialinio tapatumo raiška, aistruolių vertybės. Analizuojamos vertybinės sporto aistruolių kelionės, jų santykis su kitomis kelionių rūšimis. Remiantis atlikta krepšinio aistruolių apklausa, įvertinami pagrindiniai vertybiniai ir nevertybiniai veiksniai, vyraujantys aistruolių kelionių metu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Sporto aistruoliai; Tapatumas; Vertybinės kelionės; Identity; Sport fans; Valuentic journeys; Valuistic journeys.

ENThe article presents an analysis of sport fans’ identity and their journeys. Self­identification as of a sport fan is analysed in the context of personal and social iden­ tity values. The low or high level of identification shows the extent to which a fan feels psychologically connected to a team. For fans with a high level of team identification, the role of team follower is the central component of their identity. The team becomes an extension of the individual and is considered as a reflection of fans’ identity. Sport fan journeys are related to supporting a team and / or an athlete during a competition outside their place of residence. Sport fans’ journeys could be recognized as valuistic journeys. This type of journeys is part of personal identity, an expression of the value ideal, demonstration of social identity. To get a better insight into the motives and travel values of sport fans during their journey, a factor analysis was carried out. There were identified three main groups of sport fans’ values during their journeys: 1) real values of sport fans (satisfaction after winning, self­demonstration as a sport fan, performance of specific rituals); 2) spending leisure time, entertainment (main values related to impressions, a new environment); 3) social values (communication, dating friends and staying with communal members). Such a stay helps to relax and rest from everyday life. [From the publication]

0235-7186; 2424-4546
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